Project News
- Slides from my FSOSS presentation are online.
- Alexandre Poirot blogged about proposed localization features for the SDK, based on JSON and Gnu gettext conventions.
- The SDK hack Day in Mountain View on November 19th is coming up fast! Register here.
Quick Stats
- Total open bugs: 210
- Bugs created this week: 20
- Bugs fixed this week: 25
- Total SDK-based Addons on AMO: 313
Note: the stats above are based on the queries I linked to for each item. If you have suggestions on how these queries might be made more accurate, please comment below.
Meeting Brief
- Builder: template re-write ahead of schedule, need to test re-packed add-ons today.
- SDK 1.3 beta 2 will be released this afternoon, may incorporate some recent check-ins from stabilization to 1.3.
- Intermittent test failures in Tinderbox are becoming a problem.
- Discussed approach for the new loader
- Alex’s L10N proposal needs more discussion.
Full minutes are available here:
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Jeff Griffiths
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