I post these updates every 3 weeks to inform add-on developers about the status of the review queues, add-on compatibility, and other happenings in the add-ons world.
The Review Queues
In the past 3 weeks, 1197 add-ons were reviewed:
- 1000 (84%) were reviewed in less than 5 days.
- 54 (5%) were reviewed between 5 and 10 days.
- 143 (12%) were reviewed after more than 10 days.
There are 90 listed add-ons awaiting review.
Thanks to our volunteer team, and the addition of Philipp Kewisch as a new admin reviewer, the review queues are looking great and have a good shot of staying that way.
If you’re an add-on developer and are looking for contribution opportunities, please consider joining us. Add-on reviewers get invited to Mozilla events and earn cool gear with their work. Visit our wiki page for more information.
Firefox Accounts
Firefox Accounts is now live on AMO. Next time you log in, you’ll be prompted to migrate your account. If you have any problems with this process, please post in the forum thread.
Firefox 45 Compatibility
This compatibility blog post is up. The bulk compatibility validation will be run in the coming weeks.
As always, we recommend that you test your add-ons on Beta and Firefox Developer Edition to make sure that they continue to work correctly. End users can install the Add-on Compatibility Reporter to identify and report any add-ons that aren’t working anymore.
Extension Signing
The wiki page on Extension Signing has information about the timeline, as well as responses to some frequently asked questions. The current plan is to remove the signing override preference in Firefox 46 (updated from the previous deadline of Firefox 44).
Electrolysis, also known as e10s, is the next major compatibility change coming to Firefox. Firefox will run on multiple processes now, running content code in a different process than browser code.
This is the time to test your add-ons and make sure they continue working in Firefox. We’re holding regular office hours to help you work on your add-ons, so please drop in on Tuesdays and chat with us!
We’re working on the new WebExtensions API, and we recommend that you start looking into it for your add-ons. You can track progress of its development in http://www.arewewebextensionsyet.com/.