Tinkering with WebExtensions

I’ve been writing about WebExtensions development on my blog. I’ve kept those posts over there because they’re short one-offs that I think would be too noisy for this blog and its wide audience.

That’s why I’m giving you this quick overview of what I’ve been writing so you can give them a closer look if you’re interested. The first two posts might interest you if you’re an add-on developer curious about WebExtensions. The second two are more meta, and touch on documentation, code review, and how we’re trying to shape the developer experience.

Let us know if there’s any topic around WebExtensions or other add-on development you want us to cover.

2 comments on “Tinkering with WebExtensions”

  1. Mietei wrote on

    Can you please enable my Shockwave Flash Plugin? I NEED it.

    1. Jorge Villalobos wrote on

      If you use the latest version it shouldn’t be blocked. Even if it’s blocked, you can co around the block with a few clicks.