Mozilla is not just one voice and the way we build our products, especially the Get Involved page, needs to reflect that.
We have involved the community on this project so far in many ways including meetings, blogs, etherpads, surveys, mail lists, card sorting, MozCamps and more. We will continue to do so.
As much as we at Mozilla like to dream of a world where community is a default, it takes some intentional planning to make it that way. The mysterious magic of community is actually less mysterious than it may seem. With the Get Involved page project, we have seen the value of planning ahead and creating intentional structure for community involvement. In doing this we allow both community members to feel useful and make sure that their involvement creates a more successful final product – there is an unarguable value in having community involved.
Continuing with this momentum, today there are 3 early prototypes available which have been created from a history of working with the community on this project. Each one has a distinct approach different from the others, for testing purposes.
You have the opportunity to share your input on these early prototypes and we have provided an easy structure for you to share that with us so we can be sure to incorporate it in the evaluation of a final design – we don’t want your valuable feedback getting lost in overflowing email inboxes. Please use the following Survey Gizmo link to provide your feedback by August 7th (links to prototypes are in the survey): When doing so, remember to approach this page from the perspective of a potential contributor. We are specifically checking for how easy, clear and compelling it is to get involved. Please check the wiki page for future updates. We thank you for your participation here – it makes a difference for future contributors.