A lot of exciting things are happening with Participation at Mozilla this month. Here’s a quick round-up of some of the things that are going on!
Mozillians Profiles Got a Facelift:
Since the start of this year, the Participation Infrastructure team has had a renewed focus on making mozillians.org a modern community directory to meet Mozilla’s growing needs.
Their first target for 2016 was to improve the UX on the profile edit interface.
”We chose it due to relatively self-contained nature of it, and cause many people were not happy with the current UX. After research of existing tools and applying latest best practices, we designed, coded and deployed a new profile edit interface (which by the way is renamed to Settings now) that we are happy to deliver to all Mozillians.”
Read the full blog here!
There are New Ways to Bring Your Design Skills to Mozilla:
Are you a passionate designer looking to contribute to Mozilla? You’ll be happy to hear there is a new way to contribute to the many design projects around Mozilla! Submit issues, find collaborators, and work on open source projects by getting involved!
- You can check out the projects looking for help, or submit your own on the GitHub Repo.
- Sign-up to the mailing list to be added as a contributor to the Repo, added to the regular meeting list, and to get emails about GitHub trainings and more!
- And read a blogpost about the project and its first meeting.
Learn more here.
136 Volunteers Are Going to Singapore:
This weekend 136 participation leaders from all over the world are heading to Singapore to undergo two days of leadership training to develop the skills, knowledge and attitude to lead Participation in 2016.

Photo credit @thephoenixbird on Twitter
If you know someone attending don’t forget to share your questions and goals with them, and follow along over the weekend by watching the hashtag #MozSummit.
Stay tuned after the event for a debrief of the weekend!
Friday’s Plenary from Mozlando is now public on Air Mozilla:
If you’re interested in learning more about all the exciting new features, projects, and plans that were presented at Mozlando look no further! You can now watch the final plenary sessions on Air Mozilla (it’s a lot of fun so I highly recommend it!) here.
Share your questions and comments on discourse here.
Look forward to more updates like these in the coming months!