Categories: Spotlight

Firefox 50 new contributors

With the release of Firefox 50, we are pleased to welcome the 43 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 32 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:

13 comments on “Firefox 50 new contributors”

  1. Joe Hatter wrote on

    So, when is Firefox gonna be fast and stable again?

    1. mahmod wrote on


  2. erik wrote on

    Ottimo lavoro, non vedo l’ora di esplorare questa nuova versione di firefox!
    Grazie mille!

    1. Prof B.P . Misra wrote on

      Every time opern fire fox,.a new aspect. Firefox itself is not stable. When it obviously goes well with Mozilla Support,.Why is itbopened with Google.Com.? It must go always with Mozilla Support.

  3. rahul wrote on

    hi frinds firefox 50 r to much hopeless options r not available & also new tab also not available

  4. tony wrote on


  5. Umar Farooq wrote on


  6. Verena von Jaruntowski wrote on

    I thank you for all your efforts and work. I only use firefox because it’s the only browser I trust. Unfortunately I have to live on a very low budget and not in the position to pay as a thank you.

    Best regards and thanks

    Verena von Jaruntowski (Germany)

  7. good wrote on

    it is very good for me

  8. Prof B.P . Misra wrote on

    Firefox flairs too much. When ever one wantsto open the Firefox different as pect seems coming

  9. Syahransyah wrote on

    Very interesting discussion glad that I came across such informative post..

  10. Yves Claveau wrote on

    Thank you very much for your work. This is really appreciated.


  11. paul wrote on

    Nice job you guys,, just letting you know someone recognize the hard work,,