This week, we will be launching the Firefox support forum on In this forum, Firefox users will be able to ask support questions not yet covered in the knowledge base, and hopefully have them answered quickly by other fellow Firefox users. The idea is that we will then use the questions we see in the forum to determine what information we’re lacking in the knowledge base. By continuously improving the knowledge base, we will be able to keep the forum traffic relatively low.
I’m really excited about this, as it will also be a great channel to send people who are currently frustrated with the lack of “official” Firefox support. Today, many people send e-mails to random addresses, and a share of those end up in my inbox (and up until now, I’ve taken the time to answer them all). Add to that the number of support e-mails I receive from my gmail address listed on the old support pages, despite the pretty obvious disclaimer on the contact page. :)
Finally, the forums will be an interesting way to build a larger community around SUMO. Even though we haven’t linked to the forum yet, people already seem to ask questions and at least one of the questions is already answered. That’s a good sign of things to come!
Need help? Stay tuned for the Firefox Support Forums…
Cindy wrote on