Categories: Meetings

Minutes of SUMO meeting 2008-12-22

Attendees: djst, cilias, zzxc


  • Weekly metrics
    • Lots of KB updates in part because of our friend Bo!
    • Would be interesting to see how many locales are being edited per week
    • djst to add a wiki page with the metrics we’d like to collect in the automatic dashboard
    • Bug with the bottom understandable articles list — different top articles depending on how many articles you display in the list. cilias to file bug.
    • Significantly lower bounce rate on both start pages. No good explanation; normal start page got an updated top issues lust, but what about the inproduct start page?
  • Last week’s weekly support issues
    • Got crash logs from Live Chat for Google Desktop. zzxc to attach to relevant bugs.
    • Got lots of feedback from new users of Firefox 3. Top confusions:
      • After clearing history, things still showing up in Awesome Bar. The question is how much impact the addition of the Privacy preferences in 3.1 will have if people don’t understand what they’re seeing.
        • Ideas on how we can reduce the confusion users are experiencing; djst proposed a “notification bar” inside the Awesome Bar that would appear when there is no history, notifying the user that the list still list bookmarks, with info on how to change that behavior. That could hopefully make it more obvious to the user that the Clear Private Data feature isn’t broken.
      • People are confused by the UI for adding a bookmark to a specific folder. Needs to click two small arrow buttons to select sub-folders (one to show folder selection, and another to expand a parent folder).
        • zzxc to summarize the feedback
  • Start page layout looks crappy [1]

2008 review

  • We’ve come a long way since the beginning of 2008:
    • From en-US only Knowledge Base to over 20 active locales
    • Moved in-product help to web based help on SUMO
    • From launch of Live Chat to over 20 active helpers per month
    • 50 active SUMO contributors per week
    • Helping at least 30,000 users of Firefox every month (these are people that actively said “yes, this solved my problem”)
    • Robust metrics about common issues in Firefox reported to QA/dev teams every week
  • Room for lots of improvements in 2009:
    • Performance is a top complaint among contributors — top priority in Q1 2009
    • Better communication with members of the SUMO community. Personal outreach, e-mail, Skype meetings, etc. The SUMO community is part of something really important that ties into everything else that we do at Mozilla; we need to communicate that. MozillaCMS is interesting for SUMO.
    • Dig deeper into our data — need an automated metrics dashboard for the weekly metrics so we can focus on digging deeper
    • Preliminary 2009 roadmap is up on the wiki [2]

Knowledge Base

  • Private Browsing article is up
  • Lots of updates for 3.1 content
    • Big thanks to our friend Bo, who has been doing most of the updating!
  • In Firefox meeting I asked about what is being about Smart Location Bar
    • Drop-down setting in Privacy panel to set suggestions to “History and Bookmarks”, “History”, “Bookmarks”, or “Nothing”.
    • UI was recently put in nightlies, but pref || has been in about:config for a while. It should be in Beta 2.

Live Chat

  • Contribution way up with the 3.0.5 release, total chat sessions almost doubled
    • 10 new accounts last week, out of which 5 helped with at least one chat
    • New account approvals: mindstormskid, tom06, listerofsmeg, mcgiwer, dan
    • New room monitor. Welcome to the team, Tanner!
  • Live Chat CSAT is now collecting data. Several users have replied to us in the forum using the forum link on the CSAT page.
  • Limited hours this week due to holiday


  • Thanks for a fantastic year and Merry Christmas to the SUMO community!
  • Meeting as usual next Monday