In the Firefox Support Knowledge Base, we use a great feature called “SHOWFOR” that allows articles to display different content, depending on the users’ operating system and version of Firefox. When it comes to
version numbers, we have only been able to differentiate between Firefox 2 and Firefox 3 content. Now I am pleased to announce that we can now differentiate between Firefox 3.0 and Firefox 3.1!
What this means is that now we can start updating current articles with Firefox 3.1 content!
I’ve updated our contributor reference on how to use SHOWFOR. Content currently tagged with {SHOWFOR(browser=firefox3)} is now displayed for both Firefox 3.0 and 3.1 users. To tag content as specific to 3.1, use {SHOWFOR(browser=firefox3.1)}. To tag content as specific to 3.0, use {SHOWFOR(browser=firefox3.0)}.
For example:
This content would display for 3.1 and 3.0 users, but not Firefox 2 users.
This content would display for Firefox 3.1 users only.
This content would display for Firefox 3.0.x users only.
This content would display for Firefox 2 users only.
So what content needs updating?
We’ve been keeping track of user-end changes in Firefox 3.1 using a page on, then tracking which articles need updating using a page on Remember that Firefox 3.1 is still in development, so the list of changes is still likely to grow; and if you notice a user-end change in Firefox 3.1 that is not in those pages, you can update them.
What about screenshots?
The Firefox 3.1 user-interface is not final either; and it is too easy to include a screenshot that contains UI that will be different when Firefox 3.1 is released. Do not add Firefox 3.1 screenshots for now.
I do not expect to have clearance for this until there is a release candidate.
Let the updating begin!