- Weekly metrics
- New performance metrics:
- Avg forum thread answer time
- Avg sessions per hour
- New performance metrics:
- Status on start page A/B test?
- Production files received from designer last week. jslater and djst to figure out the last detail and then we’ll figure out a timeline in tomorrow’s meeting.
- Last week’s weekly support issues
- Seemingly increased number of crashes on cww to investigate.
Knowledge Base
- Updating for 3.5
- Clear Recent History and the Privacy pane refresh are now documented
- Next: go through the rest of the items on Updating articles for 3.5 and user-doc-needed bugs.
- It’s also a good time to ask if we can start using screenshots. (Any UI changes from Beta4 to RC1?)
- Will figure out in 3.5 meeting on Wednesday
- Will draft a status update this week for a blog post. Good time for contributor outreach.
- Still need to get the Firefox Crashes sub-articles up bug 491948 bug 491949
- Screencasts: Going to start material for contributor docs.
- What software to recommend and ways of creating ogg files (will ask around, especially Asa)
- New Serbian locale leader: Welcome Miloš! (IRC: Milos SUMO: M1l0s )
- Looking at ways of better organizing KB metrics data to present to contributors. (Not just article comments, but poll data, top searches, do we address the weekly common issues, and the big question: Are people finding what they are looking for?)
- This is important not just in our ongoing focus to improve our support, but to make it more obvious to KB contributors why their contribution is important.
- Jump in number of unread threads. — due to no Quarantine
- We definitely need more contributors — Get more Live Chat helpers to spend 10 minutes a day in the forum? Good way of integrating our support and making everyone in our community more aware of SUMO as a whole
- Cody (Live Chat contributor) offering to help out!
- Planning a survey for both forum and Live Chat contributors to get a better understanding of how our community feel about SUMO
Live Chat
- We are now using tags to better track common issues in live chat. (List of top tags from last week, crashes are still the top issue)
- Some explanations of tags:
- ux: problems related to confusion with the user interface, such as people not knowing how the AwesomeBar works — this is the most common tag in Live Chat
- qa: problems where we need QA to take a closer look
- te: problems related to Tech Evangelism — issue is with a website not having proper Firefox support
- Some explanations of tags:
- Metrics update: participation slightly down from prior weeks, but traffic is still high with ~1000 chats per week.
- cilias has three blog posts for the next three days, plus a possible one (still need to draft) for later in the week about new search (depending on how the switch goes)
- Will post one blog post per day :)
- Community surveys: Ready to send to ~80 live chat accounts, plus forum accounts.
- Any final feedback on the questions?
- (Questions walked through during the meeting. Good to go!)
- Any final feedback on the questions?