What’s up with SUMO – 30th October

Hello, SUMO Nation!

October is almost gone, here comes November… Are you ready? Are you celebrating something scary and gloomy in the coming days? We recommend you keep warm and happy using the most ancient of alchemies… tea & cookies!

Oh, right, one more thing… Have you heard about MOSS already? Nope? Read more here!

Welcome, New Contributors!

If you joined us recently, don’t hesitate – come over and say “hi” in the forums!

Contributors of the last week

We salute you!

Don’t forget that if you are new to SUMO and someone helped you get started in a nice way you can nominate them for the Buddy of the Month!

Last SUMO Community meeting

Reminder: the next SUMO Community meeting…

  • …is going to take place on Monday, 2nd of November. Join us!
  • If you want to add a discussion topic to upcoming the live meeting agenda:
    • Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Monday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting).
    • Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda).



Support Forum


We hope you enjoyed reading our most recent updates and will come back for more next week. Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter! Yup, the place where you can see some people horsing around ;-)