The BBC and Mozilla formalize partnership for web skills in the UK

Paula Le Dieu at the MOU signing with the BBC.

Paula Le Dieu at the MOU signing with the BBC.

Today we’re excited to announce the formalization of our partnership with the BBC to support free and open internet technologies.

While the BBC and Mozilla have been working together on digital skills for some time—the BBC’s Connected Studios regularly run their workshops at Mozilla’s London community space, and we are working together on a number of digital learning initiatives that involve both Open Badges and Webmaker projects—this is the first time Mozilla and the BBC have formalized the relationship with a memorandum of understanding.

Mozilla will join three other organizations, the Open Data Institute, the Open Knowledge Foundation, and the Europeana Foundation to support free and open internet technologies. Mozilla and the BBC will continue to work together on open technical standards, web literacy, education projects, and a number of other shared initiatives. The agreements precede a year of programming and events that support Web and Digital Creativity across the UK that the BBC will kick off in 2015.

You can read more about the Memorandum of Understanding over at the BBC website.