For about a year, the Mozilla community in Pune, India has had an informal task force where four active members go out to local universities and conferences to speak about privacy, security, surveillance, and other topics. Mozilla Reps Ankit Gadgil, Diwanshi Pandey and Mayur Patil and Mozillians Ankit Mehta and Siddhartha Rao have been mentoring and encouraging others to take up these issues, and talk to other people – a “train the trainers” model of education.
As part of our privacy community building efforts, we are working to evolve this model into a global Privacy Teaching Task Force. We envision a structure of building hubs in different regions, so that over time, each region has its own localized Task Force, starting with the existing group in India. Hubs would share and localize presentations and other resources through the task force wiki page, while operating independently for event logistics and coordination.
Task Force Members have two key roles:
- Give presentations and/or hold workshops at local universities and conferences to educate on topics related to privacy, security, best practices to keep your data safe, etc.
- Mentor and encourage Mozillians to talk to others about privacy and security, sharing their knowledge with a broader user base.
The Privacy Teaching Task Force leverages Mozilla’s grassroots train-the-trainer approach as a force multiplier to help increase consumer privacy awareness and action. If you enjoy educating others in the areas of privacy and security, we invite you to apply via the wiki page. As we get enough Mozillians in a region, we can form a new hub. You can also help by sharing materials for the repository of presentations and other resources on the wiki page. 2015 is a big year for privacy and security, and we invite you to help raise awareness and encourage others to take action.