Sep 15

compiler-enforced locked accesses

If you’ve done any amount of threaded programming, you’ve probably run across code that looked like:

  // Only accessed with the mutex held.
  uint32_t mFlags;
  bool mConnected;
  nsTArray<int32_t> mData;

  // Only called with the mutex held.
  void DoSomething();

Perhaps you’ve even gotten to debug code which inadvertently violated the locking requirements of the members.

Several months ago, I reviewed a patch by David Keeler that addressed the second half of the above example. Methods that had locking requirements looked like:

  void DoSomething(MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock);

which ensures (at compile time!) that you can’t call the function without locking the mutex first. I thought this was a nice technique, said as much in my review, and have been looking for places to apply it ever since.

The explicitness and the requirement to constantly pass MutexAutoLock& variables around is a feature, not a bug. Doing so encourages you to limit the amount of code that needs to be executed with locks held, keeping the concurrent parts of the code and the synchronized parts of the code clearly delimited. In this respect, this technique is similar to the IO monad in Haskell. I don’t know whether the extra verbosity would make the code more difficult to read or not, especially if the techniques for guarding members suggested below were applied as well.

This coding style also came in handy a week or so ago investigating overly high CPU usage when playing YouTube videos. Our event queue for nsIRunnables did its own locking internally, and exposed its internal reentrant monitor “for power users”. This led to code like:

  ReentrantMonitorAutoEnter mon(mEvents.GetReentrantMonitor());

where the PutEvent call would do an extra round of locking (“just to be sure”), which was wasted work. Data structures like this doing their own locking internally typically isn’t a great idea, so part of the work in the above bug was to separate the locking requirements of the queue from who actually needs to do the locking. Or, in other words, we can have the class that owns the event queue do the locking, and have the event queue’s methods enforce the locking programmatically:

  MonitorAutoLock mon(mMonitor);
  mEvents.PutEvent(event, mon);

Now there’s no wasted work in PutEvent, because it already knows the appropriate locking has been done. The ability to use non-reentrant monitors—which are more efficient—was a nice bonus resulting from the separation of concerns here.

This technique can also help solve the first half of the problem we presented at the beginning of this post: ensuring members are only accessed with locks held.

template<typename T>
class Guarded;

class Guarded<uint32_t>
  Guarded() : mValue(0) {}

  uint32_t Value(MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock)
    return mValue;

  void Assign(MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock, uint32_t aNewValue)
    mValue = aNewValue;

  // Since accesses should only be done under the lock, and copying
  // and moving would therefore require locks, we require the user
  // to ensure those constraints are met with explicit calls to the
  // above rather than the compiler sneaking unlocked accesses in.
  Guarded(const Guarded&) = delete;

  uint32_t mValue;

The above class isn’t production quality code; it’s intended to sketch out how explicit locking requirements might work. A more robust version might require a Mutex& reference to be passed to the constructor, and member functions assert that the MutexAutoLock& parameters actually lock the specified mutex. Specializing for each of the integer types would also get tiresome, so we’d need to do a better job there. Handling types with methods could be done with something like the following, I think:

template<typename T>
class GuardedAggregate
  GuardedAggregate() : mValue() {}

  // The core idea here is that the user would write:
  // GuardedAggregrate<nsTArray> mArray;
  // and then accesses would be done via:
  // mArray.Value(lock).Method(...);
  // This means that we don't have to proxy every single one of
  // the aggregate's methods, but the locking requirements are
  // still explicit.
  class Proxy
    Proxy(MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock, T* aValue) : mValue(aValue)

    T* operator->()
      return mValue;

    T* mValue;

  Proxy Value(MutexAutoLock& aProofOfLock)
    return Proxy(aProofOfLock, &mValue);

  T mValue;

This can also be though of as a compiler-independent, but less flexible version of clang’s Thread Safety Analysis. Folks have been asking about bringing the annotations that analysis requires into Gecko; I wonder if it might work just as well to apply this technique more liberally throughout the codebase.

Aug 15

explicit is better than implicit: c++ implicitly defined member functions

In the tradition of The Zen of Python, I’ve been thinking about pushing for explicit declarations of otherwise implicitly-defined member functions in C++, both in code that I write and in code that I review:

// Instances of this class should not be copied.
MyClass(const MyClass&) = delete;
MyClass& operator=(const MyClass&) = delete;

// We are OK with the default semantics.
OtherClass(const OtherClass&) = default;
OtherClass& operator=(const OtherClass&) = default;
OtherClass(OtherClass&&) = default;
OtherClass& operator=(OtherClass&&) = default;

[Background: C++ specifies several member functions that the compiler will implicitly define for you in any class: the default constructor, the copy/move constructor(s), and the copy/move assignment operator(s). I say “implicitly define”, as though that always happens, but there are a number of constraints on when the compiler will do this. For the purposes of the discussion below, I’ll ignore the default constructor bit and focus on the copy/move constructor and assignment operator. (I will also happily ignore all the different variants thereof that can occur, e.g. when the compiler defines MyClass(MyClass&) for you.) I think the arguments apply equally well to the default constructor case, but most classes I deal with tend to either declare their own default constructor or have several user-defined constructors anyway, which prohibit the compiler from implicitly declaring the default constructor.]

I think the argument for = delete is more obvious and less controversial, so I’ll start there.  = delete‘ing functions you don’t want used is part of the API contract of the class.  Functions that shouldn’t be used shouldn’t be exposed to the user, and = delete ensures that the compiler won’t implicitly define part of your API surface (and users thereby unknowingly violate API guarantees).  The copy constructor/assignment operator are the obvious candidates for = delete, but using = delete for the move constructor/assignment operator makes sense in some cases (e.g. RAII classes). Using = delete gives you pleasant compiler error messages, and it’s clearer than:

  MyClass(const MyClass&);
  MyClass& operator=(const MyClass&);

If you’re lucky, there might be a comment to the effect of // Deliberately not defined.  I know which code I’d prefer to read. (Using = delete also ensures you don’t accidentally use the not-defined members inside the class itself, then spend a while waiting for the linker errors to tell you about your screw-up.)

= default appears to be a little harder to argue for.  “Experienced” programmers always know which functions are provided by the compiler, right?

Understanding whether the compiler implicitly defines something requires looking at the entire class definition (including superclasses) and running a non-trivial decision algorithm. I sure don’t want each reader of the code to do that for two or four different member functions (times superclasses, too), all of which are reasonably important in understanding how a class is intended to be used.

Explicitly declaring what you intend can also avoid performance pitfalls. In reading through the C++ specification to understand when things were implicitly declared, I discovered that the same functions can also be implicitly deleted, including this great note: “When the move constructor is not implicitly declared or explicitly supplied, expressions that otherwise would have invoked the move constructor may instead invoke a copy constructor.” So, if the move constructor was implicitly declared at some point, but then was implicitly deleted through some change, expressions that were previously efficient due to moving would become somewhat less so due to copying. Isn’t C++ great?

Being explicit also avoids the possibility of meaning to define something, but getting tripped up by the finer points of the language:

template<typename T>
class MyClass
  // This does not define a copy constructor for MyClass<T>.
  template<typename U>
  MyClass(const MyClass<U>& aOther) : ... { ... }

Comments could serve to notify the reader that we’re OK with the default definition, but if I could choose between encoding something in a place solely intended for humans, or a place both humans and the compiler will understand, I know which one I’d pick.