A month ago, we asked you to fill out a survey regarding the improvements to the SUMO forums that we made in the 1.4 – 1.4.2 releases. Overall, the features we pushed were very well received.
Among what people said were their favorite features: the new bar that allows you quickly filter the forum threads and the new detailed ask a question form.
We also got some great suggestions, including: “Bring back the forum’s version of the Top 10 list”, “Word filters” and letting anonymous posters mark threads as solved without having to go via email. We’ll be looking to make sure features like this are implemented as we consider a forum redesign in 2010.
We also asked you to rank some of the major new features on a 1-5 scale:
(Note that we only got 7 responses so these numbers aren’t that statistically useful but it’s good to know that what we do is well-liked.)
How have each of the changes below affected how you use the forums? (1 = a lot worse, 5 = a lot better).
Feature | score |
Ability to log in while posting a response | 5.0 |
New question form | 4.7 |
Collecting the full useragent | 4.7 |
Thread list has a link to the last post | 4.6 |
Ability to link directly to a post with the # | 4.6 |
Short URLs | 4.2 |
Ability to filter forum list | 4.1 |
Ability to sort forum list | 4.0 |
RSS feed | 3.8 |
Thanks a bunch for filling out the survey.
Majken “Lucy” Connor
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