The SUMO development team meeting (also known as the SUMOdev meeting) has been moved from Tuesdays at 9 am Pacific to Mondays at the same time. This is because one of our developers, paulc, is taking a course this quarter that conflicts with the regular meeting time. Since we’re a small team, we can’t just go on with one third of the team missing from these meetings, so we decided to move it. At the end of this quarter, we will move it back to Tuesdays again.
The new time is Mondays 9 am Pacific.
For those who aren’t familiar with these meetings, the SUMOdev meeting is an opportunity to get a glimpse of the hard work we do “behind the scene” with SUMO. Most of the time, the meetings are about prioritizing and assigning tasks (think “bugs”) to developers, but occasionally we discuss more high-level things like setting goals, defining roadmaps, and brainstorming new features. Even if you’re not a developer, you’re more than welcome to listen in.
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David Tenser
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