Hey there, SUMO Nation!
It’s finally time to officially announce the latest arrival (and to think I was in the same place not so long ago… heh :-)) Join me in welcoming Mark Schmidt!
Mark is our new Senior Firefox Community Support Lead. He’ll work closely with our incredible support community around the world to help keep us effective at helping people, and will be leading projects to improve the usefulness of the support site.
Mark is based in Ann Arbor Michigan and has a background leading support at rapid-growth start-ups (Barracuda Networks and Duo Security), where he worked on scaling out support to millions of users. His passions are privacy, growth, and technology (especially open source technology).
He’s also a big advocate for the Electronic Frontier Foundation, Free Software Foundation, Tor Project, and the Creative Commons. When he’s not making the web and world a better place, Mark can usually be found either camping or traveling.
If you want to get in touch with Mark, his contact details are on his SUMO profile. The fastest way to get his attention is usually via Twitter (MarkSchmidty), or via the #sumo room on irc.mozilla.org (marksc).
Once again, welcome on board, Mark!