What’s up with SUMO – 15th May

Hello there! Time for the latest updates from the world of SUMO.

This week’s new arrivals

If you joined us recently, don’t be shy and say “hi” in the forums!

The latest SUMO Community meeting

You can find the agenda and notes here: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/sumo-2015-05-11 and the video is below (thank you, Madalina!)

Reminder: the next SUMO Community meeting…

  • …is going to take place on Monday, 18th of May. Join us!
  • If you want to add a discussion topic to upcoming the live meeting agenda:
    • Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Monday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting).
    • Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda).

Help needed!

  • We are looking for 2 SUMO localizers with an iOS device for each of the following languages: Japanese, German, French, Italian, and Spanish, to help us test Firefox for iOS. If you’re interested, get in touch with Roland.
  • We are still looking for 3 volunteers to replace Roland at these roles: Thunderbird English Language editor, L10N coordinator and Forum coordinator for the version 38 release. Are you interested? Do you know someone potentially interested? Please email rtanglao aT mozilla.com or ping rolandtanglao in #sumo or in #tb-support-crew on irc.mozilla.org – thanks!
  • We are still looking for someone with an Acer device for testing!

Community shout-outs

Keep rocking the helpful web!


Knowledge Base


  • Madalina and Michał are heading over to Bucharest for the Mozilla Balkan Meetup next week to talk about SUMO and regional leadership.

Firefox (Desktop, OS, Android) & more

Firefox Desktop
Firefox OS
  • BuddyUp is in the Marketplace for Firefox OS 2.0, fully operational.
Firefox Android
  • Firefox for Android is out, too!
  • The loudest bird on the net will see its 38th release a bit later than expected – around a week or two, to be more precise.

Not too many updates this week, but that means there will definitely be more next week, when we will be reporting in from Bucharest! Have a great weekend and don’t forget to smile at least once a day!