What’s up with SUMO – 3rd March

Hello, SUMO Nation!

How are you doing? March is here, and so are we with a new bunch of news and updates for you, hot off the SUMO-presses. Let’s get on with the show!

Welcome, new contributors!

If you just joined us, don’t hesitate – come over and say “hi” in the forums!

Contributors of the week

We salute you!

Don’t forget that if you are new to SUMO and someone helped you get started in a nice way you can nominate them for the Buddy of the Month!

Most recent SUMO Community meeting

The next SUMO Community meeting…

  • …is happening on WEDNESDAY the 9th of March – join us!
  • Reminder: if you want to add a discussion topic to the upcoming meeting agenda:
    • Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Wednesday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting).
    • Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda).
    • If you can, please attend the meeting in person (or via IRC), so we can follow up on your discussion topic during the meeting with your feedback.



  • Watch out for the upcoming guest post on this blog (tomorrow, by the look of it) by the mighty SUMO Bangladesh crew! (If you want to write a guest blog post for the SUMO blog, let us know in the comments!)
  • Ongoing reminder: if you think you can benefit from getting a second-hand device to help you with contributing to SUMO, you know where to find us.


Support Forum

  • Our intrepid Rachel is taking over some responsibilities over from Madalina. Be nice to Rachel!

Knowledge Base



We hope you enjoyed the updates and are ready for more as March rolls its calendar out for all of us. Have you taken any fun photos that have SUMO or Mozilla as a theme that you could share? Let us know in the comments! SEE YOU ON WEDNESDAY AT OUR COMMUNITY MEETING!

2 comments on “What’s up with SUMO – 3rd March”

  1. John99 wrote on

    Notes are at

    Not https://public.etherpad-mozilla.org/p/sumo-2016-02-03 that does not exist

  2. Michał wrote on

    Thank you John, fixed the broken link!