Hey SUMO folks,
September is going to be the last month for Q3, so let’s see what we’ve been up to for the past quarter.
Welcome on board!
- Welcome to SUMO family for Bithiah, mokich1one, handisutrian, and Pomarańczarz. Bithiah has been pretty active on contributing to the support forum for a while now, while Mokich1one, Handi, and Pomarańczarz are emerging localization contributors respectively for Japanese, Bahasa Indonesia, and Polish.
Community news
- Read our post about the advanced customization in the forum and KB here and let us know if you still have any questions!
- Please join me to welcome Abby into the Customer Experience Team. Abby is our new Content Manager who will be in charge of our Knowledge Base as well as Localization effort. You can learn more about Abby soon.
- Learn more about Firefox 92 here.
- Can you imagine what’s gonna happen when we reach version 100? Learn more about the experiment we’re running in Firefox Nightly here and see how you can help!
- Are you a fan of Firefox Focus? Join our foxfooding campaign for focus that is coming. You can learn more about the campaign here.
- No Kitsune update for this month. Check out SUMO Engineering Board instead to see what the team is currently doing.
Community call
- Watch the monthly community call if you haven’t. Learn more about what’s new in August!
- Reminder: Don’t hesitate to join the call in person if you can. We try our best to provide a safe space for everyone to contribute. You’re more than welcome to lurk in the call if you don’t feel comfortable turning on your video or speaking up. If you feel shy to ask questions during the meeting, feel free to add your questions on the contributor forum in advance, or put them in our Matrix channel, so we can address them during the meeting.
Community stats
KB pageviews (*)
* KB pageviews number is a total of KB pageviews for /en-US/ only
Month | Page views | Vs previous month |
Aug 2021 | 8,462,165 | +2.47% |
Top 5 KB contributors in the last 90 days:
KB Localization
Top 10 locale based on total page views
Locale | Aug 2021 pageviews (*) | Localization progress (per Sep, 7)(**) |
de | 8.57% | 99% |
zh-CN | 6.69% | 100% |
pt-BR | 6.62% | 63% |
es | 5.95% | 44% |
fr | 5.43% | 91% |
ja | 3.93% | 57% |
ru | 3.70% | 100% |
pl | 1.98% | 100% |
it | 1.81% | 86% |
zh-TW | 1.45% | 6% |
* Locale pageviews is an overall pageviews from the given locale (KB and other pages) ** Localization progress is the percentage of localized article from all KB articles per locale
Top 5 localization contributors in the last 90 days:
Forum Support
Forum stats
Month | Total questions | Answer rate within 72 hrs | Solved rate within 72 hrs | Forum helpfulness |
Aug 2021 | 3523 | 75.59% | 17.40% | 66.67% |
Top 5 forum contributors in the last 90 days:
Social Support
Channel | Aug 2021 | |
Total conv | Conv interacted | |
@firefox | 2967 | 341 |
@FirefoxSupport | 386 | 270 |
Top contributors in Aug 2021
- Christophe Villeneuve
- Andrew Truong
- Pravin
Play Store Support
We don’t have enough data for the Play Store Support yet. However, you can check out the overall Respond Tool metrics here.
Product updates
Firefox desktop
- Fx Desktop 92 went live (09/07)
- FX Desktop 93 Expected to land (10/05)
Firefox mobile
- Fenix 92 went live (09/07)
- Fenix 93 expected to land (10/05)
- IOS v37 went live (09/07)
- IOS V38 expected to land (10/5)
- Firefox Focus expected to land (10/5)
Other products / Experiments
- Mozilla VPN V2.5 Expected to release 09/15
- Fx Search experiment:
- From Sept 6, 2021 1% of the Desktop user base will be experimenting with Bing as the default search engine. The study will last into early 2022, likely wrapping up by the end of January.
- Common response:
- Forum: Search study – September 2021
- Conversocial clipboard: “Mozilla – Search study sept 2021”
- Twitter: Hi, we are currently running a study that may cause some users to notice that their default search engine has changed. To revert back to your search engine of choice, please follow the steps in the following article → https://mzl.la/3l5UCLr
- Firefox Suggest + Data policy update (Sept 16 + Oct 5)
- September 16th, the Mozilla Privacy Policy will be updated to supplement the roll out of FX Suggest online mode. Currently, FX Suggest is utilizing offline mode which limits the data collected. Online mode will collect additional anonymized information after users opt-in to this feature. Users can opt-out of this experience by following the instructions here.
- Kudos for Julie for her work in the Knowledge Base lately. She’s definitely adding a new color in our KB world with her video and article improvement.
- Thanks to those who contributed to the FX Desktop Topics Discussion
- If you have input or questions please post them to the thread above
If you know anyone that we should feature here, please contact Kiki and we’ll make sure to add them in our next edition.