What’s up with SUMO – 31 October

A spooky welcome to all of our readers, ’tis the season to be scary (in some parts of the world). We hope you’re having a good time now (or will be having some soon enough).

New arrivals to SUMO – greetings and salutations go out to

SUMO Community meeting update

We did not meet last Monday due to too many people being en route and absent from the Vidyo stream – sorry! You will find all the most relevant updates below, of course.

A quick note on Community meetings in general: if you want to contribute a discussion item (we love hearing your thoughts and ideas!), please, please, please – post it on the Contributor Forums first, so that everyone in the community can take a look, think about it and give you feedback before we meet on Monday to discuss it. The sooner you do it, the more people will be aware of your voice. Thank you!

Mozilla Community Survey

Mozilla’s Community Building Team is conducting a study to learn about the values and motivations of Mozilla’s contributors (this means you), and to understand how we can improve their (this means your) experiences. To learn about the relationship between contributors’ values and contributions, Mozilla’s Community Building Team would also like to conduct analyses that takes account of everyone’s contributions.

If there’s only one more ink you’re going to click before the weekend, this is it. Please help us help you help others even more. Take the survey here.

Thunderbird Feedback Request

We need your thoughts and ideas on the Gmail and OAUTH article. Take a look here: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/thunderbird-and-gmail/history and either email rtanglao AT mozilla.com or ping rolandtanglao in IRC… or edit the KB article yourself!

Post-MozFest update

If you can’t get enough of MozFest, do remember that people keep posting new stuff all the time on Twitter. There’s also a great round-up of a lot of interesting projects that happened at the festival on the Webmaker blog, and here’s one from The Guardian.

I delivered a session on l10n (slides here) and got to meet some of you in person. I also attended quite a few inspiring and informative sessions (it’s not possible to attend them all, unfortunately), the experience of which will definitely help me make SUMO better for you.

In short, the energy was amazing, the pacing was relentless and the people were fantastic. If you have the spirit and skills of an aspiring creator, influencer or experimenter – you should be there in 2015.

That’s it for today, tune in next week for more news and updates. As usual, remember that you can find us on Twitter or on IRC. We’re looking forward to talking to you!