May’s Featured Add-ons

Firefox Logo on blue background

Pick of the Month: Fast Reverse Image Search

by Jeremy Schomery
Say you find a great image on the Web, but there’s no context around it or credit to its source. How can you learn more about this remarkable vision? Fast Reverse Image Search addresses this puzzlement.

“This is absolutely superb.”

Featured: Pick & Save Images

by Merci Chao
With one click this add-on arranges all images from any Web page and lets you select those you want to save.

“I’ve used several ‘image-saving’ type extensions for Firefox over the years, but for me, this one beats all the others.”

Nominate your favorite add-ons

Featured add-ons are selected by a community board made up of add-on developers, users, and fans. Board members change every six months. Here’s further information on AMO’s featured content policies.

If you’d like to nominate an add-on for featuring, please send it to amo-featured [at] mozilla [dot] org for the board’s consideration. We welcome you to submit your own add-on!

8 comments on “May’s Featured Add-ons”

  1. Andrei Petcu wrote on

    Please stop promoting non-WebExtensions. We have so many new awesome WebExtensions in AMO that nobody knows about

    1. Scott DeVaney wrote on

      Fantastic collection, Andrei! You’ve tipped me off to some interesting, new add-ons like Unpaywall and TaboonPlus.

      To your point about featuring non-WebExtensions, this (May) is In fact the last month you’ll see non-WebExtensions added to our Featured Add-ons collection. It was tricky determining the proper cutoff time for non-WebExtensions—some wanted it sooner, some later—but it’s now.

      We’ve updated our featuring criteria to reflect this:

      I’ll have more to share soon on when we’ll remove non-WebExtensions from featured collections. That’ll come next.

  2. That Random Guy wrote on

    I’d recommend, but I’m sure they’d reject the one I have in mind.

    I hope that the people responsible are at least reading my posts on here.

  3. Skatox wrote on

    Sadly it’s a Netflix thing, even Chrome doesn’t let them stream to 1080p

    1. Robert Ab wrote on

      It is not only dependent on Netflix. It is more dependent on DRM (EME) and browser makers.

      1. Robert Ab wrote on

        That is why I asking the same question to DRM and browser makers as well as to Netflix. All those parties are involved in software preparation and testing.

  4. Floria wrote on

    I am not seeing this month’s feature of the month in AMO website. Am I missing something?

    1. Scott DeVaney wrote on

      Hm, it’s featured on the AMO homepage at this very moment. May’s ‘Pick of the Month’ is Reverse Image Search…