Categories: Mozilla News

Welcome to the new Mozilla Blog!

We’ll be using this blog to provide a broad look at what’s happening in the Mozilla community – everything from news to opinions to Firefox tips & tricks all in one place. Expect cross-postings from the great blogs out in our community and a chance to hear more from the people behind Mozilla as well.

bay-to-breakers.JPGThere won’t be just one blogger behind this effort — we’ll be using this blog as an opportunity to highlight our community members — but I’ll be standing in as editor/guardian. I’m a marketing manager here at Mozilla and have been involved with Mozilla for close to 2.5 years. When I joined Mozilla full-time last year there were three of us in marketing and it was all hands on deck. Now that we’ve built up the team, we are each focusing on specific roles. Currently, I’m running our events program and trying to get user education off the ground. I can also be found digging out from the mess on my desk or organizing Mozilla’s athletic endeavors — anyone see us at Bay-to-Breakers?!

Stay tuned for more. Drop us a line as well if you have any editorial suggestions at blog at mozilla dot com.

2 comments on “Welcome to the new Mozilla Blog!”

  1. Ping from Be:Fox » Le nouveau blog de Mozilla - Le blog belge sur Firefox on

    […] marketing de Mozilla a lancé un nouveau blog. Ce nouveau blog de Mozilla est destiné à servir d’officiel et central. Il contiendra des informations autant […]

  2. Ping from WordPress Francophone » Le blog de utilise WordPress Mu on

    […] rédacteurs vont s’occuper de remplir ses colonnes et ce, sous la houlette de Mary Colvig, responsable Marketing de la Mozilla Foundation. WordPress Mu ayant été choisi, pouvons nous […]