Categories: Mozilla Community

500 million Firefox downloads: complete; 500 million grains: in progress

Firefox just reached  500,000,000 downloads. This is an absolutely phenomenal milestone for Firefox. It is sort of hard to imagine what that number means. For some perspective, that’s roughly the audience size of 10,000 Rome Colosseums combined. It would be the weight, in kilograms, of 8,500 Boeing 747 airplanes. In dollars, for $500 million you and 15 of your friends can fly to the International Space Station.


OR, you can affect change and invite 15 of your friends to play a game and feed 25,000 people. With your help we can break another milestone today with –500,000,000 grains of donated rice in one day. Imagine helping to feed the hungry while picking up some new vocabulary too!

108 comments on “500 million Firefox downloads: complete; 500 million grains: in progress”

  1. Trackback from חבילת קידום אתרים... on

    חבילת קידום אתרים…

    … קידום אתרים באינטנרט – חברת loadseo מתמחה ב – קידום אתרים הוא הקורס שילמד אותי איך לקדם את האתר. כל אלו יסייעו לכם להעריך את גודל הפלא של העיר ולגאוותה. אם האתרים קצת מסיחים את הגולשים אשר חיפשו בדיוק… 500 million Firefox downloads: complete; 500…

  2. Ping from Mezzo miliardo di Firefox | setteB.IT on

    […] Muore Netscape, lunga vita a Firefox. Il browser alternativo ormai già utilizzato dal 17% degli utenti del web. Con l’aggiunta dei 100 milioni di download occorsi tra il 9 settembre e ieri il browser della Fondazione Mozilla ha così raggiunto il mezzo miliardo di download. […]

  3. Ping from 500.000.000 Descargas on

    […] mas Información Pueden Visitar el Blog de Mozilla – en ingles […]

  4. Ping from Look at me, I can name some « Polymath Central on

    […] 500,000,000 Downloads… Need I say more? […]

  5. Ping from Firefox ya ha alcanzado más de 500 millones de descargas « ..:: Vinzent ::.. on

    […] | Blog oficial de MozillaEnlace | […]

  6. Ping from Firefox – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia on

    […] “500 million Firefox downloads: complete; 500 million grains: in progress”. Mozilla. 2008-02-21. […]

  7. Ping from 地球的新鮮事 » Firefox下載達5億次:達成 ;捐贈5億粒米:正在進行 on

    […] 原文連結 Tags: 網路新聞 […]

  8. Ping from Firefox downloaded over 500 million times | Ars Technica on

    […] along and help push today's total count of rice grains to over 500 million. The Mozilla blog notes that reaching that goal would feed 25,000 […]

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