We’re official!

The Firefox community is the proud new owner of a Guinness World Record — each and every one of you!   Mozilla today received confirmation from Guinness World Records that we’ve officially achieved the record for the “largest number of software downloads in 24 hours.”   From 18:16 UTC on June 17, 2008 to 18:16 UTC on June 18, 2008, 8,002,530 people downloaded Firefox 3!

This is another wonderful accomplishment in a long line of them for our community!  Ever since Firefox was launched in 2004 we’ve relied on our community to help us spread the word, and thanks to projects including crop circles, newspaper ads, giant stickers, videos, blogs and more we now have over 180 million users in more than 230 countries.  Incredible work!

Don’t forget to get your very own personalized Download Day certificate.

364 comments on “We’re official!”

  1. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Best Information About The Latest Technology on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  2. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | historyclear.info on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  3. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 could see massive market share gains with auto-selected Windows Update tonight | Right Wing Nut Job on

    […] for its first 24 hours of existence weren’t bad at 2.3 million, they were nowhere near Firefox 3′s record-breaking 8 million. During the week that has passed since its launch, IE 9 has managed to secure about 1% of the […]

  4. Ping from La Cofradía Digital » Blog Archive » Firefox 4 on

    […] a IE9 con sus 2.3 millones de descargas el primer día simplemente recordemos que Firefox 3 fue descargado  8 millones de veces en su primer […]

  5. Ping from Mozilla lanza Firefox 4 | Navegadores Web on

    […] record de descargas impuesto por Firefox 3 fue de 8,002,53. Es dificil que se alcance esta suma actualmente, debido a la campaña publicitaria […]

  6. Ping from Contabilizando el record de descargas de Firefox 4 on

    […] un repaso, en 2008, durante el lapso de tiempo de un día (17 a 18 de junio) Mozilla dio el anuncio oficial de que la cantidad de descargas de Firefox 3 fue de nada menos 8.002.530, es decir, una gran […]

  7. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Safe Brain News on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  8. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Technology Retail News on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  9. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | nimfaketho9 on

    […] Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! Posted on March 23, 2011 by nimfaketho9 Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  10. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | supernutritionsource.com on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  11. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | emernarch on

    […] Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! Posted on March 23, 2011 by emernarch Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  12. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | All The Technology Crunch You Get on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  13. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | iPhone 2 die 4 on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  14. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  15. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | freelance creative blog3 on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  16. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Money Bites on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  17. Ping from The Great Labrador Blog » Blog Archive » Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  18. Ping from Firefox 4 registers 7 million+ downloads within 24 hours on

    […] 4 managed to beat Firefox 3.5’s number of 5 million downloads but fell short of Firefox 3’s milestone of 8 million downloads. Firefox 4 consistently maintained a rate of 4000 downloads per minute consistently but by […]

  19. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong « Kellxpow12's Blog on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  20. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | Dress Juice on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  21. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | The 15 Minutes of Fame on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  22. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | 0845numbersonline.com on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  23. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Bits and Bobs on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  24. Ping from Lançado o Firefox 4! « Elder Marco – blog on

    […] Ontem foi o tão esperado dia para os usuários do Mozilla Firefox.  Depois de vários betas, finalmente  esse navegador chegou a sua versão 4.0 com uma completa remodelada em seu visual, lembrando em alguns pontos o Google Chrome/Chromium.  Mas o que realmente me surpreendeu em tudo isso foi a quantidade de downloads efetuada pouco mais de 24 horas depois do seu lançamento. No momento em que escrevia essa mensagem, já eram quase 12 milhões de downloads do navegador! 4 milhões a mais que o Firefox 3. […]

  25. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong - Sales Mails on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  26. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | All Talks About Technology & Games on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  27. Ping from Mozilla Firefox 4.0 consigue 7 millones de descargas en las primeras 24 horas. : Soft Zone : Blog sobre Software con tutoriales de ayuda y noticias on

    […] 24 horas desde su liberación, superando a la versión 3.5, que logró 5 millones de descargas, y por debajo de su record en Julio del 2008, con su versión de Firefox 3, que si recordamos alcanzó la cifra de 8 millones de descargas, […]

  28. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! « detoxifyingdiets on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  29. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Featured Technology Updates on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  30. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | Difficult Riddles on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  31. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Pujh Tech News on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  32. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | mmamixedmartialarts.info on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  33. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | moat on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  34. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | 0845numbersonline.com on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  35. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | My Blog on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  36. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Tech News on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  37. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | Digital Technology News on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  38. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | emernarch on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  39. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | The Day's Dirt on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  40. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! – Team National News on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  41. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong « Bervla on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5’s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3’s monumental 8 million. […]

  42. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong « Tech Spot on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  43. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | killaddware.com on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  44. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | maggiejmanning on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  45. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | Backlink Energiser 2 on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  46. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! » Xitul on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  47. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | vpdemo1 on

    […] Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! Posted on March 25, 2011 by vpdemo1 Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  48. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! | Rich Guru Poor Guru Review on

    […] Posted March 25, 2011 at 2:00 am Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

  49. Ping from Firefox 4 manages 7 million downloads in first 24 hours, still going strong | remove-addware.com on

    […] In its first 24 hours of public availability, Firefox 4 was downloaded around 7 million times, beating out 3.5′s tally of 5 million, but falling short of Firefox 3′s monumental 8 million. […]

  50. Ping from Internet Explorer 9 downloaded 2.3 million times in first day; Firefox 3 managed 8 million! « Vista Rendering on

    […] Internet Explorer 9, in its first 24 hours of availability, has racked up a grand total of 2.3 million downloads. An impressive number, until you compare it to the latest major releases from Mozilla: Firefox 3.5 was downloaded 5 million times in 24 hours — and Firefox 3, back in 2008, holds the world record for any piece of software with over 8 million downloads in one day. […]

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