Dailymotion Supports Open Video

Exciting news! Today, Dailymotion, one of the world’s largest video entertainment websites, announced support for the new open video and web standards available in the current beta release of Firefox 3.5. Dailymotion issued a press release about the news. Mozilla’s own Director of Evangelism, Chris Blizzard, has a great post about the news as well, excerpted below.

Dailymotion has been an excellent test case for us because they haven’t just encoded with the formats that we support but also built a full-fledged player using HTML, CSS and JavaScript that looks, feels and acts like the flash-based players we see on the web today. They also make it possible to embed open video using an clever tag that loads the video content safely in an HTML page.

Standing on the twin pillars of the HTML5 video API and royalty-free codecs, the movement to bring open video to the web is well underway. Dailymotion, along with Wikipedia and the Internet Archive, have all committed to start serving up open video. The free encoders are getting better and better over time and we’re starting to see more interest in the technologies.

2 comments on “Dailymotion Supports Open Video”

  1. Ping from Introduction au HTML 5 | bbxdesign on

    […] <video> La vidéo est aujourd’hui implémentée sur le web grâce à différents plugins (Silverlight, Quicktime, WMP et surtout Flash). Pourquoi ne pas utiliser une simple balise <video> ? Exemples : YouTube et Dailymotion font déjà des tests avec cette balise <video>, et Mozilla en parle. […]

  2. Ping from intense creativity » Should we start learning Javascript once again? on

    […] HTML 5 being adopted by more and more browsers out there, with DailyMotion releasing an HTML5 version of the movie profile page, and YouTube doing the same; there comes a question: should I get […]