Earlier this month we launched a new project called Fastest Firefox to help spread the word about Firefox 3.5’s dramatically upgraded performance. As with most things at Mozilla, public participation is a key goal, and we’re hoping to get a bunch of community-created videos of Firefox fans showing off their speediest skills.
To contribute, just record a short video of you or your friends doing something really fast – anything from folding clothes to playing ping pong – then visit www.fastestfirefox.com to upload. We’ll edit our favorites into a single clip, and if we use yours you’ll get a supercool Firefox 3.5 t-shirt (plus the satisfaction of helping the open web and spreading Firefox, of course). The only catch is that the submission deadline is June 28, so time is running out.
We’ve also been collaborating with some truly incredible Guinness World Record holders. Earlier we shared videos from the world’s fastest clapper and the world’s fastest sport stacker, and our latest in that series comes from Todd Taylor, the world’s fastest banjo player. Watch Todd in action and prepare to be blown away.
If you still need more inspiration, check out this one-handed Rubik’s cube video from community member Daniel DJ Cruz Chan, then send us a video of your own!
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