Categories: Mozilla Service Week

Free services and support next week from Mozservice friends!

One of the great “side effects” of Mozilla Service Week is the number of organizations that share our belief in the importance of the Web who have stepped forward to participate in Mozilla Service Week and help individuals and organizations.  Here is a sampling:
CiviCRM, an open source and free constituent relationship management solution, has donated 100 hours to help organizations with CiviCRM.   They’ll help organizations with both short term support (phone conference consultation, CiviCRM installation, etc) and then three selected organizations with CiviCRM customization installations.   Find out how to take advantage of CiviCRM’s services here.
Creative Commons which focuses on increasing and sharing the creativity (cultural, educational, and scientific content) in “the commons” — the body of work that is available to the public for free and legal sharing, use, repurposing, and remixing, is hosting a series of online office hours next week.  Join if you’re interested in learning how to use CC, publish your CC work and more.
gr_logo which provides non-profit organizations with free valuable technologies and resources to increase their efficiency and productivity is hosting an online workshop next week.   Come learn about their free services!
Mahiti Infotech is a social enterprise based in Bangalore, India.  Mahiti works with organizations, including non-profits, to help them deploy Free and Open Source Software.  Mahiti has donated 200 hours to Mozilla Service Week and is offering to help any non-profit in India migrate to FOSS, including email and operating systems, free of charge!   Sign up here.
Thanks all for joining us in Mozilla Service Week.  I challenge other software companies and organizations to step up and offer up your services next week as well!

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    […] They’ll help organizations with both short term support (phone conference consultation, Ci click for more var _wh = ((document.location.protocol=='https:') ? "" : […]