Introducing the Mozilla State of the Internet Report

Today, the Mozilla metrics team released the first ever State of the Internet report. With more than 350 million people around the world using the Firefox Web browser, we are careful to ensure the data we collect is fairly limited and feel compelled to share what we’re able to extract from that data.

Some interesting findings from this report:

  • Looking across several sources of market share data, Firefox’s worldwide share appears close to 30%.
  • Usage/Adoption of Firefox this quarter grew most dramatically in Russia.
  • Where do people get the earliest start to their day?  Hawaii, Wyoming, and Maine.  And the latest start?  New York.
  • People in South America and Antarctica are passionate about personalizing their browser.
  • In one usage study, we found one person having more than 600 tabs open at one time.  (This last insight comes from Test Pilot, Mozilla Labs’ platform for opt-in participation in studies and experiments.)

See the full report from Ken Kovash on the Mozilla Metrics Blog.

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  1. Ping from Tweets that mention Introducing the Mozilla State of the Internet Report :: The Mozilla Blog -- on

    […] This post was mentioned on Twitter by top_company. top_company said: firefox: Introducing the Mozilla State of the Internet Report: Today, the Mozilla metrics team released the first … […]

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    This post was mentioned on Twitter by top_company: firefox: Introducing the Mozilla State of the Internet Report: Today, the Mozilla metrics team released the first …

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    […] See the rest here: Intro­duc­ing the Mozilla State of the Inter­net Report […]

  4. Ping from Mozilla – State of the Internet report « Marketing For Nerds on

    […] Via The Mozilla Blog […]

  5. Ping from Firefox ya ocupa el 30% del mercado de navegadores web on

    […] El informe está basado en cifras entregadas por StatCounter, Quantcast, NET y Gemius, juntos con datos internos. El dato más relevante es que el navegador Mozilla ha anunciado que su navegador Firefox ha alcanzado, en algunos sectores, el 30% de cuota a nivel mundial. Aquí se puede leer en informe completo. […]

  6. Ping from - servicios de internet para negocios on

    […] Con información de: The Mozilla Blog y Mozilla Metrics […]

  7. Ping from Ing. en Informatica – UACDE » Blog Archive » 350 millones de personas usan Firefox on

    […] de empresas consultoras, como StatCounter, Quantcast, NET y Gemius, Mozilla ha anunciado en su blog oficial que de acuerdo a sus reportes Firefox tiene el 39.2% del mercado en Europa, mientras que Asia el […]

  8. Ping from Firefox ya ocupa el 30% del mercado de navegadores web. « Solobrs13 Blog on

    […] que su navegador Firefox ha alcanzado, en algunos sectores, el 30% de cuota a nivel mundial. Aquí se puede leer en informe completo.Un dato que sorprende es que en Europa alcanza el 40% de cuota, con 153 millones de usuarios. El […]