Students around the world love Mozilla’s products and embrace our mission. Our 2,100 student evangelists have a global presence, reaching schools in 77 countries around the world. To more effectively communicate with our student leaders, we are going international with our student guide as well.
We are relaunching the Mozilla campus program as Student Reps. Previously known as Campus Reps, our student community will now live at More than just a fresh design, the new Student Reps site also offers localized content to make it even easier for students to participate around the world. Our very own Student Reps made this possible, translating the site into their native languages with the help of our localization team.
Students can use the site to brainstorm project ideas, find marketing tips, and learn from other reps. The new Student Reps site is already viewable in Albanian, German, Hungarian and Spanish. Look for more languages to be added in the coming weeks!
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