Today Denelle Dixon, Mozilla COO, had the honor of testifying on behalf of Mozilla before a packed United States House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Telecommunications Subcommittee in support of our ongoing fight for net neutrality. It was clear: net neutrality principles are broadly embraced, even in partisan Washington.
Dixon in front of the United States House of Representatives Energy & Commerce Telecommunications Subcommittee
Our work to restore net neutrality is driven by our mission to build a better, healthier internet that puts users first. And we believe that net neutrality is fundamental to preserving an open internet that creates room for new businesses and new ideas to emerge and flourish, and where internet users can choose freely the companies, products, and services that put their interests first.
We are committed to restoring the protections users deserve and will continue to go wherever the fight for net neutrality takes us.
For more, check out the replay of the hearing or read Denelle’s prepared written testimony to the subcommittee.