With the upcoming release of Firefox 29, we are pleased to welcome the 93 developers who contributed their first code change to Firefox in this release, 79 of whom were brand new volunteers! Please join us in thanking each of these diligent and enthusiastic individuals, and take a look at their contributions:
- Aakash Bapna: 961085
- Adam Casey: 874919
- adu: 961648
- Afshin Mehrabani: 947848, 948879
- AK: 960997
- Alessio Placitelli: 943519, 950762, 943511
- Alexey Novak: 957634, 947143, 956645, 956804
- Alex Henrie: 243412
- Alex Shoronov: 889057
- Ali Ak: 958086, 958489, 958490, 959123, 959124, 959526, 959527, 960053, 961713, 961714, 961715, 963491, 964745, 890743, 962288
- Alive Kuo: 950338
- Andreas Tolfsen: 804515, 850881, 936044, 941102, 941129, 941132, 941136, 941140, 941144, 941145, 941148, 948075, 957162, 957248, 958024, 961792, 963162, 963166, 963598
- Art Rothstein: 791784
- benjamin: 910183
- Bhagya: 957922
- Brendan Long: 882703
- calixte: 944892
- Casper van Donderen: 916481
- Catalin Suciu: 846340
- Chris: 944375
- Chris Karlof: 960887, 963251, 965116, 966131, 772261
- Craig MacKenzie: 952570
- Daniel Stenberg: 676358, 959100, 926042
- dmitry.rojkov: 960565
- Dulanja Wijethunga: 888044
- Emma Sajic: 387849, 885926
- Eric Rahm: 903131
- Ethan Tseng: 962309, 951188
- Eugen Sawin: 956946
- Felix S Klock: 961821
- François Marier: 948881
- Gary Houston: 951993
- Georg Koppen: 939319
- Gia Shervashidze: 879442
- GiTcode: 943770
- guozhu cheng: 907196
- Iosif Adrian Mihai: 956095
- Isura Edirisinghe: 676907, 943703, 944162, 944165
- Ivan Jibaja: 946042
- James Gilbertson: 949314
- James Graham: 951733
- Jan Keromnes: 960933, 961392
- Jeroen van der Gun: 961377
- Johannes Mittendorfer: 956678
- Jonathan Wei: 907682, 957610, 959257
- Josh Dover: 943515, 948849, 955886, 960159, 961489, 963721, 966307
- k: 960730, 960734, 960737
- Karl: 960409
- Katie Thomas: 891194
- kcarchana77: 414071
- Lalit Khattar: 944640
- Luca Greco: 937197
- Mahdi Dibaiee: 911916, 915923
- Majda Nafissa Rahal: 884355
- Malintha Fernando: 953124
- Marcin Juszkiewicz: 963032
- Marco: 926487
- Marcos Cezar Mendes da Costa Junior: 947506
- Marvin Sevilla: 933201
- Michael Nares: 884851
- Mihai Tabara: 961108
- mmaslaney: 860081, 905621, 961481, 904998
- Monty Montgomery: 961044
- Muhammad Syafiq Mazli: 974902
- Neil Bleasdale: 948897, 956484, 957052
- Nemina Amarasinghe: 946075
- Nick Lebedev: 795567, 958984, 926561, 956630
- Nils Ohlmeier: 951314, 951892, 962896
- Oskar Eisemuth: 701479, 844473
- Phil: 948087
- Projjol: 956857
- Roberto Agostino Vitillo: 742500, 839794, 913070, 956715, 957156, 960966, 962153, 962523
- Romain Perier: 956051
- Ryan Kelly: 960322
- Ryan Sleevi: 958299, 962945
- Sami Jaktholm: 953184
- Seif Lotfy: 873556, 725252
- Sergio H M Durand: 940973
- Snigdha Agarwal: 962826
- Sofia Larsson: 922682, 945251
- Sola Ogunsakin: 942889, 950610, 960217, 963404, 965070
- Sterling Graham: 958686
- Sylvestre Ledru: 777378, 990213
- Tan: 920279
- Teodora Vermesan: 952091
- Tomer Cohen: 744659
- Tor Arvid Lund: 929513, 950677
- vasanth: 953159
- Veeti Paananen: 951024, 951274
- Victor Ciurel: 950352
- Viktor Stanchev: 957754, 957755, 962731
- waldion: 926477
- Yeuk Hon Wong: 587377, 918397, 938652
- ytx: 956151
Alessio Placitelli
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mary davis
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vahid tilavi
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