Categories: Events Program

Mozilla Reps Council AMA


Cross-post of Majken Conner’s invitation to participate in the first Mozilla Reps Council AMA.  Come ask us questions this Thursday!

This Thursday, launching during the Reps call, council will be doing a 24h AMA. They’ll be using Discourse, so you only need your Persona account, no need to sign up to Reddit to post. You won’t need to log in to read the AMA.

For those of you that haven’t done an AMA before, AMA stands for “Ask Me Anything.”, made popular by the SubReddit. It’s a way to get to know someone, usually a way to find out what it’s like to have a certain job. The AMA is your chance to get to know the individual council members as people, and also to understand what it’s like to actually be on council. Silly questions are OK, if you’ve always wanted to know what Emma’s favorite colour is, now’s your chance to ask!

Remember to be respectful though, don’t ask something that will probably make someone uncomfortable.

They’ll be keeping track of suggestions and discussions that should be continued outside of the AMA so that they aren’t lost when the event is over. Debates over problems with the program or changes to how it should be run will need more than 24 hours and deserve to be highlighted properly.

The AMA will take place here –

To ask a new question you should start a new topic. Discourse admins will be on-hand to help split out sub-conversations into new threads.

If you want to ask all of council a question, you can address them by typing @repscouncil – Discourse editor will substitute this text with their individual usernames.  You can also use @ to address a single council member, @emma_irwin will notify Emma that you’re addressing her specifically.

The entire council won’t be available at once, but we should have at least one council member available at any time over the full 24h to make sure responses come quickly.

You can also read an FAQ about AMA and how to use Discourse.

Image credit: Ed Schipul

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