Hello all,
As you know, we all elected three new members to our Reps Council. As usual, we are writing a post about them and the wonderful things they did for Mozilla.
However, this time, I have to admit something:
A few months ago, you elected two other new members to the Reps Council. They finished their onboarding and started actively contributing to the program. But….we did not post about them!
So in this post, and terribly late, we want to talk about all these five new (and…less new) council members.
Let’s get to know them!
Yuliana Reyna Jiménez, is a Mozilla Rep from Mexico. She is a programmer. She is part of the Mozilla Hispano community, and she is currently very active in the localization of MDN to Spanish. As part of the Reps Council, she is working to revitalize the Mozilla Social Champions.
Ruwan Ranganath Senarathne is a Rep from Sri Lanka. By day, he is a DevOps and Cloud Engineer. As part of Mozilla Sri Lanka, he is very active in establishing new Mozilla groups. As part of the Reps Council, he is also working on a project to create and activate new communities.
Robert Reyes is a Mozilla Rep from the Philippines. He is actively involved in leading the Philippines community and recently helped create our first Mozilla Community in Oman!
Paul Wright is an active SUMO contributor and MozFest volunteer coordinator from the UK.
Siddhartha Rao is a Rep from the US. He is part of the Onboarding Team and one of our newest mentors!
Thanks to all the new members for joining the Council, and thank you very much to all the outgoing council members for your contributions!
Keep rockin’ the free and open web everyone!
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