We are very happy to announce that our 5 new Council members are are fully on-boarded and already working moving the Mozilla Reps program forward.
In more detail here are the subjects that they will work on:
- Mayur Patil: Campaigns engagement and Newsletter work
- Yuliana Jimenez: improving the onboarding experience
- Prathamesh Chavan: Reaching out to external entities
- Shahid Farooqui: Reps value proposition
- Irvin Chen: will continue his work on bridging the local communities with the program
Of course we would like to thank our outgoing Reps council members Daniele, Manel and Oarabile for all their contributions during their last year in the program.
The Mozilla Reps Council is the governing body of the Mozilla Reps Program. It provides the general vision of the program and oversees day-to-day operations globally. Currently, 7 volunteers and 2 paid staff sit on the council. Find out more on the Reps wiki.
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