Hello, SUMO Nation! Did you get fooled two days ago? Have you pranked someone on the day? The internet was full of interesting news – what were your favourites? Let us know in the comments!
It’s not a joke, there’s more of us, yet again!
The latest SUMO Community meeting
You can find the agenda and notes here: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/sumo-2015-03-30, and the video below:
Reminder: the next SUMO Community meeting…
- …is going to take place on Monday, 13th of April. Join us if you can! (we are skipping next week, because of the Easter break)
- As a rule, if you want to add a discussion topic to upcoming the live meeting agenda:
- Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Monday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting).
- Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda).
Community shout-outs
- gnospen – for amazing forum activity – cheers to you!
- philipp – for helping out in the Firefox OS forums – thank you!
Help needed!
- A reminder: please take a look at the “Get community support” article in your language and update it as necessary (add any language-specific links you think may be relevant). Thank you!
Developer news
- The latest Platform meeting notes can be found here. If you’re interested about the schedule for the upcoming 3 months, take a look here.
Contributor news
Knowledge Base news
L10n news
Firefox (Desktop, OS, for Android) & other news
- We are a bit late with the news, but it may still sound exciting enough for you. Firefox OS is coming to home appliances! You have already heard about Firefox OS used in TV sets, but now there’s a new project (codename Fireplace), which will put your favourite mobile OS in such devices as smart fridges, smart toasters, and smart coffee machines. You can watch the promotional video for it here.
- Firefox 37 has been released! Onwards to Firefox 38 (and the patches in-between).
- In other Firefox OS news, with the recent release of the Alcatel OneTouch Fire E device in Africa, Firefox OS has a presence in all continents (except Antarctica). This is the same model that launched in other markets a few months ago, and is one of the high-end Firefox OS devices. You can see some media coverage of the launch here and here.
…and that’s it – for now, at least. Keep rocking the open web, keep being amazing to each other and we’ll see you on the other side of the upcoming weekend ;-).
Marko wrote on