Categories: Contributor News

Tribute to FredMcD

It brings us great sadness to share the news that FredMcD has recently passed away.

If you ever posted a question to our Support Forum, you may be familiar with a contributor named “FredMcD”. Fred was one of the most active contributors in Mozilla Support, and for many years remains one of our core contributors. He was regularly awarded a forum contributor badge every year since 2013 for his consistency in contributing to the Support Forum.

He was a dedicated contributor, super helpful, and very loyal to Firefox users making over 81400 contributions to the Support Forum since 2013.  During the COVID-19 lockdown period, he focussed on helping people all over the world when they were online the most – at one point he was doing approximately 3600 responses in 90 days, an average of 40 a day.

In March 2022, I learned the news that he was hospitalized for a few weeks. He was back active in our forum shortly after he was discharged. But then we never heard from him again after his last contribution on May 5, 2022. There’s very little we know about Fred. But we were finally able to confirm his passing just recently.

We surely lost a great contributor. He was a helpful community member and his assistance with incidents was greatly appreciated. His support approach has always been straightforward and simple. It’s not rare, that he was able to solve a problem in one go like this or this one.

To honor his passing, we added his name to the about:credits page to make sure that his contribution and impact on Mozilla will never be forgotten. He will surely be missed by the community.

I’d like to thank Paul for his collaboration in this post and for his help in getting Fred’s name to the about:credits page. Thanks, Paul!