Monday marks a very special day in Mozilla history — the 10 year anniversary of the Mozilla source code release. We’d like to give you the chance to hear from some folks who have been with us from the beginning. Mitchell Baker, Brendan Eich, Mike Shaver, and Chris Hofmann will join us for a special one hour retrospective. Asa Dotzler, will be hosting and asking our guests to reflect on the early days, major inflection points for the organization, and what’s in store for the next 10 years of Mozilla. Prior to the live broadcast you can catch “Mozilla Memories,” video messages from community members and Mozilla employees, starting at 10 a.m. PDT.
So please join us on Monday for this special Air Mozilla Live.
Who: The Mozilla community, host Asa Dotzler, and guests Mitchell Baker, Brendan Eich, Mike Shaver, and Chris Hofmann.
When: Monday, March 31, from 11:00:00 – 12:00:00 PDT (UTC-07:00)
Where: View the webcast and join the chat at
Also: As part of the year-long celebration of Mozilla’s 10 years, we’re gathering up video memories from our community of contributors. If you’d like to share some of your experiences with Mozilla, please upload them to YouTube and tag them with “mozilla-anniversary” so that we can locate them. You’ll be able to see the first batch of video memories starting one hour before Monday’s show and we hope to add another batch at least once a month.
(If you do record a video memory, hold onto the clip so that if we decided to put it into the Air Mozilla program, we can use the higher quality footage rather than YouTube’s downsampled version.)
A special thanks goes out to Mogulus for supporting this production of Air Mozilla.
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