Greetings, SUMO Nation!
This is it! The start of the last month of the year, friends :-) We are kicking off the 12th month of 2016 with some news for your reading pleasure. Dig in!
Welcome, new contributors!
If you just joined us, don’t hesitate – come over and say “hi” in the forums!
SUMO Community meetings
- LATEST ONE: 30th of November – you can read the notes here (and see the video at AirMozilla once we get it up there, since we had some technical issues).
- NEXT ONE: happening on the 14th of December!
- If you want to add a discussion topic to the upcoming meeting agenda:
- Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Wednesday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting).
- Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda).
- If you can, please attend the meeting in person (or via IRC), so we can follow up on your discussion topic during the meeting with your feedback.
- The State of Mozilla Report is here!
- Help us connect all people to the open Internet through the #EqualRating Innovation Challenge.
- Please remember that Persona has shut down as of yesterday. All affected services will offer alternative log in methods, so look for more information about that on their sites.
- Final reminder: If you want to help us brainstorm how to promote “Internet Awareness” among our visitors, please join us here.
- Get musical with SUMO! The playlist is here… and the forum thread is here.
- Check the notes from the last meeting in this document. (and don’t forget about our meeting recordings).
- The main points of today’s meeting were:
- Announcing a new Bugzilla component for working on further optimization of the new platform.
- Postponing of the final migration until the first week of 2017.
- Announcing that the next Platform meeting will take place on the 15th of December.
- Reminder: You can preview the current migration test site here.
- If you can’t access the site, contact Madalina.
- Reminder: The post-migration feature list can be found here (courtesy of Roland – ta!)
- We are still looking for user stories to focus on immediately after the migration (also known as “Phase 1”)
- Remember, you can contact Sierra (sreed@), Elisabeth (ehull@), or Rachel (guigs@) to get started with Social support. Help us provide friendly help through the likes of on Twitter and beyond :-)
Support Forum
Knowledge Base & L10n
- for Android
- The forum thread for version 50 is here!
- Firefox 50.1 is coming around December 13th, bringing a few fixes and optimizations.
- for Desktop
- A chemspill release (50.0.2) is in the works due to a vulnerability detected in handling JavaScript. More details in this thread (thank you, Philipp!). The security advisory is available on this site.
- The forum thread for version 50 is here (thanks to Philipp).
- Firefox Klar has launched for German-speaking countries. Alles klar? ;-)
…and that’s it for today! So, what are you usually looking forward to about December? For me it would be the snow (not the case any more, sadly) and a few special dishes… Well, OK, also the fun party on the last night of the year in our calendar! Let us hear from you about your December picks – tell us in the forums or in the comments!