MozFest encapsulates many of the crazy wonders of Mozilla and every year new ideas emerge, new projects are created and new communities come together. 2014 was a great year for Reps; not only have the Reps lead many of the maker parties in the summer, but they are also pushing the Mozilla mission forward in every corner of the world. Having the Reps in London added expertise from all our communities
We would have loved to invite everyone who has been doing wonderful things around the Webmaker projects, but unfortunately we had a limited number of invitations. In London we had a great mix of passionate Reps from all around the world making us so proud of this incredible community who will share their experiences with everyone who couldn’t attend this year.
This year the Reps made a very significant contribution to MozFest! Not only did they facilitate many sessions, including one on community building, but they kept the show going in the background. Big kudos to Robby and all the MozFest helpers. On Sunday Reps literally saved the day! As the fox arrived with a bag full of 1000 phones the Reps (a.k.a Marcia’s flashing Gurus) spent Sunday flashing every phone ensuring that the participants of MozFest had the latest version.
It is very humbling to see the energy, the kindness and the commitment of the Reps and we got a lot of recognition, from Mark and Mitchell on the main stage routing for Reps and wearing their Reps hoodies and from the Mozilla community and our friends.
The Reps on the ground also inspired and were inspired by the other participants and brought all the local experiences to MozFest. It is this mix of hands-on work and diversity that opens the horizons for all of us who care about the web and think that this is a critical time to defend the open web and imagine a future where everyone can make active use of this tool for the good of everyone.
We know that the Reps will take their experiences and ignite the Mozfesters in their communities to get together and imagine the world we want to live in. One great example is how our Reps in East Africa pioneered the first MozFest outside of London. This is an exciting model, where Reps and Mozillians take the lead and bring the Mozilla spirit to hundreds of people. And we know that more of this greatness will come in 2015!
There are some amazing blog posts about Mozfest, from the personal experiences of everyone to great descriptions of the sessions, I recommend you check them out. Andre’s blog post is a great read to understand all the amazing things going on at MozFest and how the energy in Ravensbourne leads to so many new ideas. From other Reps we have great blog posts about their experience of MozFest:
Andre Garzia: A free agent at MozFest
Robby Sayles: Behind the scenes
Manel Rhaiem: my first experience at MozFest
Umesh Agarwal: Mozilla Festival 2014
One HUGE thanks to Ioana and Christos who were Chief Reps Wranglers and shined with professionalism, enthusiasm and made us all have a lot of fun. Also, pro tip, if you want to start a party, get some Reps to dance on stage 😉
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