We’re very proud to announce that we have a new Reps Dashboard that lists your action items! You will be able to find most of the action items that you have in the Reps program, it will help you organize your activities and plan better your time. We’re also hoping that this will help mentors and council members manage the work load, be able to prioritize and ultimately keep the program running smoothly.
Check out the dashboard and let us know your thoughts. We know there might be some improvements to be done, so your feedback will help us figure this out.
This dashboard comes at the perfect time, we have a first mission for ALL Reps and the dashboard will allow you to do this in no time. We want to understand the impact of the Reps program in 2014 so we are asking all of you to please update ALL the post event metrics for this year. It won’t take much time and at the end you’ll help us articulate better the impact that we’re having with the Reps program. We are introducing text fields, so that you can add important links to your post events metrics. So any links to the makes created, the press articles generated, the social media impact would be of great help!
Help us understand how much reach your event had. How many people attended, how many people did you reach on social media, how many through press articles or blog posts? Let’s work together on making the impact of our work understandable. We have so much to be proud of, let’s document it!
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