Evolving the Firefox Brand

Say “Firefox” and most people think of a web browser on their laptop or phone, period. TL;DR, there’s more to the story now, and our branding needs to evolve.

With the rapid evolution of the internet, people need new tools to make the most of it. So Firefox is creating new types of browsers and a range of new apps and services with the internet as the platform. From easy screen-shotting and file sharing to innovative ways to access the internet using voice and virtual reality, these tools will help people be more efficient, safer, and in control of their time online. Firefox is where purpose meets performance.

Firefox Quantum Browser Icon

As an icon, that fast fox with a flaming tail doesn’t offer enough design tools to represent this entire product family. Recoloring that logo or dissecting the fox could only take us so far. We needed to start from a new place.

A team made up of product and brand designers at Mozilla has begun imagining a new system to embrace all of the Firefox products in the pipeline and those still in the minds of our Emerging Technologies group. Working across traditional silos, we’re designing a system that can guide people smoothly from our marketing to our in-product experiences.

Today, we’re sharing our two design system approaches to ask for your feedback.


How this works.

For those who recall the Open Design process we used to craft our Mozilla brand identity, our approach here will feel familiar:

  • We are not crowdsourcing the answer.
  • There’ll be no voting.
  • No one is being asked to design anything for free.

Living by our open-source values of transparency and participation, we’re reaching out to our community to learn what people think. You can make your views known by commenting on this blog post below.

Extreme caveat: Although the products and projects are real, these design systems are still a work of fiction. Icons are not final. Each individual icon will undergo several rounds of refinement, or may change entirely, between now and their respective product launches. Our focus at this point is on the system.

We’ll be using these criteria to evaluate the work:

  • Do these two systems still feel like Firefox?
  • How visually cohesive is each of them? Does each hold together?
  • Can the design logic of these systems stretch to embrace new products in the future?
  • Do these systems reinforce the speed, safety, reliability, wit, and innovation that Firefox stands for?
  • Do these systems suggest our position as a tech company that puts people over profit?

All the details.

The brand architecture for both systems is made up of four levels.

Each system leads with a new Firefox masterbrand icon — an umbrella under which our product lines will live.

The masterbrand icon will show up in our marketing, at events, in co-branding with partners, and in places like the Google Play store where our products can be found. Who knows? Someday this icon may be what people think of when they hear the word “Firefox.”

At the general-purpose browser level, we’re proposing to update our Firefox Quantum desktop icon. We continue to simplify and modernize this icon, and people who use Firefox tell us they love it. Firefox Developer Edition and Firefox Nightly are rendered as color variants of the Quantum icon.

Browsers with a singular focus, such as our Firefox Reality browser for VR applications and our privacy-driven Firefox Focus mobile browser, share a common design approach for their icons. These are meant to relate most directly to the master brand as peers to the Firefox Quantum browser icon.

Finally, the icons for new applications and services signal the unique function of each product. Color and graphic treatment unite them and connect them to the master brand. Each icon shape is one of a kind, allowing people to distinguish among choices seen side by side on a screen.

Still in the works are explorations of typography, graphic patterns, motion, naming, events, partnerships, and other elements of the system that, used together with consistency in the product, will form the total brand experience.

Read along as we refine our final system over the next few months. What we roll out will be based on the feedback we receive here, insights we’re gathering from formal user testing, and our product knowledge and design sensibilities.

With your input, we’ll have a final system that will make a Firefox product recognizable out in the world even if a fox is nowhere in sight. And we’ll deliver a consistent experience from an advertisement to a button on a web page. Thanks for joining us on this new journey.

Madhava Enros, Sr. Director, Firefox User Experience

Tim Murray, Creative Director, Mozilla

2,212 comments on “Evolving the Firefox Brand”

  1. Rafael wrote on

    System 2 for all

    if I split, i would choose clearly Masterbrand 2 and for the rest i like both.

    The first logo it remind me too much to gitlab

  2. Mauro Britto wrote on

    SYSTEM 1. Great.

  3. Paul Mooney wrote on

    System 2 is more pleasing to these eyes

  4. Jessica wrote on

    All the icons of system 1 feel like they could be from any generic tech company.

    The design language of system 2 is what I am going to call “encircling”. It speaks to Firefox’s history with the main shape of the fox encircling the world, which spoke to how Firefox cares about people, not just profit. As a natural extension of that, System 2 keeps that value intact.

    The design language of system one is “here is a geometric shape in Firefox colours”.

    Unfortunately, system 2’s colours need to be on the same page. The ones that are using blue and green and other colours not reflected in the master brand are getting lost, they don’t seem like Firefox brand. If system 2 used system 1’s approach to colour, it would be way stronger. To maintain cohesion I would try to avoid using any colour that isn’t represented in the master brand. Maybe that means finding ways to add a dash of every Firefox colour in the master brand, but before that I would try limiting the colours used in the rest of the family of icons.

  5. Robson wrote on

    System #2 seems more resolved and looks very modern (regardless of gradients and colours). Even though computer systems are more and more updated and high technology advanced, we still need to englobe all sorts of people who might be users: normal people, people with color blindness, children and elderly folks. System #1 might not work at small sizes and/ or at a single color.

  6. Michael Sokolich wrote on

    I like the browser icons for system 2, everything else I prefer system 1. Especially the master icon. I think the system 1 master icon looks miles better than system 2.

  7. Albert Freeman wrote on

    I KNEW I saw that System 1 fox before. It’s very similar to the Gitlab logo.

  8. Anthony Bouvier wrote on

    Yeah, gotta point out what others have said:

    The foxhead logo is just too similar to GitLab. Crazy how close it is even down to the color choices.

  9. Daniel wrote on


  10. Shannon wrote on

    I like both but 1 looks more distinctive as firefox, in other words, if you didn’t tell me what the company is and just showed me the logos I’d guess firefox for most of set 1, but not for 2.

  11. Bruno Vide wrote on

    I think the Masterbrand icon from system 1 is much more recognizable than the other, not everyone will recognize the historical branding and this is a brand to mostly everyone. However, I prefer the option of leaving the center of the browser icons free, as in system 2, but the form is better and more coherent with the main logo in system 1.

    For the rest of the icons, I think system 1 has an aproach that is more to the point, and people don’t like to think that much and recognize so much different and abstract logos. I think system 1 probably works better. Also in system 2 they seem from a different “family”.

    Probably color could be something that creates cohesion between all those icons, either by using only warm tones or by using always warm and cold colors.

  12. Thomas wrote on

    I much prefer System 1. Thanks!

  13. Denis Dobbin wrote on

    I’m a big fan of clean and flat icons. System 2 icons seems more clear in any size settings. The system 1 masterbrand icon seems bring us a new and innovative product.

  14. eykxas wrote on

    The system 2 is the best !

  15. Patrik Hegedüs wrote on

    I think the system 1 is better. :)

  16. Adriano wrote on

    System 2. I completelly undertand that the general icons for system 1 could look more modern/inovative but the flow on system 2 looks more organic. As a design for everyone use, system 2 works better, (I’m not an expert, but…) the contrast and white spaces seens more ligible. It´s important, when designing a project like this, thinking about people with color blindness / low vision / Autism / etc. http://uxmag.com/articles/usability-tip-dont-rely-on-color-to-convey-your-message

  17. José wrote on

    Like system 1

  18. Rithesh wrote on

    Master brand : System 2
    Everything else: System 1

  19. B.Blue wrote on

    System 2 is cleaner and more professional looking. Definitely keep the circular design for the master icon. System 1 is a little to busy and flashy for me, especially the multicolored icons.

  20. awoods wrote on

    system 1 for masterbrand

    system 2 for everything else! (more accessible/easy to see)

  21. Manon wrote on

    I prefer the system 2, it’s more coherent and fun.

  22. Jone wrote on


  23. David Garretson wrote on

    System 1 looks much better overall in my opinion.

  24. Barb Clark wrote on

    I vote System 2. There are some icons in System 1 that look like logos from other brands. The System 2 looks more modern and cleaner and easier to “read”.

  25. Isaias JAcomeli wrote on

    With sure, system 1. Renew the identity with a great increase of personality and trends.

  26. Federica wrote on

    I love the system 2 but the browser icon of system 1!

    Thanks for asking us feedbacks! :)

  27. wox wrote on

    I think system 1 is far better. The masterbrand icon is something completely fresh and different and it resembles a fox and the color scheme at least somehow remindes me of the “fire” part. The one from system 2 is basically the old one without the fox. It is really bland. For me this one has nothing to do with firefox anymore.

    System 1 has a more consistent look to it. I also like the color scheme. I like the browser icons of system 2 better. The browser icons in system 1 have such a narrow feel to it if that makes any sense.

  28. Alex wrote on

    In my opinion, the masterbrand icon in system 1 is better, because it clearly represents the fox. The icon in system 2 looks like fire mixed with a fox, but it can be easily confused with the browser icons. Then, the general-purpose browser icons in system 2 are better, because they continue the tradition of that easily recognisable famous icon. And finally, the singularly-focused icons and the icons for new apps and services in system 2 are better, because they have that outlined understandable look, but they don’t need those white backgrounds.

  29. Chris wrote on

    I like the classic throwback and lean styling of the browser Icons from System 2. I am not however a fan of the secondary icons in System 2. They look cheap. I am more of a fan of the secondary Icons from System 1 as they come across more substantial. The secondary icons in System 2 seem more like wireframes of incomplete designs.

    So, Browser Icons from System 2 with secondary Icons from System 1.

  30. Luiz wrote on

    System 1 com certeza….

  31. Yohan wrote on

    i like System 2

  32. Even Flow wrote on

    I like system 2, although actually I prefer the current.

  33. MathCubes wrote on

    System 1

  34. Paul K wrote on

    System 1 is best.

    I really like System 1 masterbrand and System 1 new apps and services. I prefer System 1 singular focus icons, but would be happy with System2 singular focus icons as well.

  35. qusai al.hebshi wrote on

    I am a fan and Firefox users have long been seen using the system II and why it is closer to the old logo I think it will be easy to identify. By old and new users. For. And the first system, which I liked by Hua, it is easier to remember than the second system and this is something that makes the logo strong because it contains the logo icon for a long time. This is Hua Rei as a Graphic Designer and FireFox user you can communicate with me for my email : qusai.v10@gmail.com

  36. Allan Marcel wrote on

    2 \o/

  37. Stephanie wrote on

    System 2.
    The white space makes the icons look clearer.
    The System 1 masterbrand icon looks like the nib of a fountain pen to me.

  38. Megan wrote on

    System 1 feels more cohesive overall. Not a fan of the line-style app icons of System 2. Not substantial enough and don’t feel as on brand for firefox.

  39. Tony wrote on

    Go with system 1

  40. Carlos Poetzscher wrote on

    Group 1!!!

  41. TT wrote on

    Hey there Moderator, why oh why are you Not accepting/posting my comment posts?
    –TT 01Aug/2018 – ttchoices@yahoo.com

  42. Milan wrote on

    These are all awful.

  43. Alessandro wrote on

    I can not find these icons explaining their function and they are not beautiful either.
    in my opinion you are not on the right track, you should try to rely on an Italian designer. ;)

  44. Chad L. Little wrote on

    Group 1 works well. As a small icon, system tray icon etc. it renders well. I don’t see problems in longevity of the logo. If it is being freshened up now, I would foresee the same in the future as times and technology change. Group 2 browser icons are ok though per feedback I would imagine a rework of some sort.

  45. Isaac Wang wrote on

    System 1

  46. Michael wrote on

    I’m confused, I thought Firefox was a *product* not a brand.

  47. Andrés wrote on

    I prefer system 1 in general, but I don’t like singularly-focused browser icons in any case. Their purpose are not clear with that icons, but I prefer system’s 1 palete of colors.

  48. Georgy wrote on

    I gravitate towards System 2

  49. Katherine Mercado wrote on

    System 2. I like them.

  50. Luana wrote on

    Great design in all!
    I love Firefox Masterbrand Icon of sistem 1. I want a shirt =D

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