What’s up with SUMO – 28 November

Welcome, welcome, do come in and take a seat. We’ve got a few interesting pieces of news from the world of SUMO… and a bit beyond!

New arrivals to SUMO – a new handful of internet heroes arrives!

Latest SUMO Community meeting

The video is below, the notes are here: https://etherpad.mozilla.org/sumo-2014-11-24

(Is it just me, or is Roland sitting in the most red room ever known to mankind?)

Reminder: next SUMO Community meeting…

  • Will NOT take place on the 1st of December – we are all in Portland for the annual Mozilla: the Gathering (almost like Magic: the Gathering, but with more actual magic happening)
  • Will most likely take place on the 8th of December, but we’ll update you about that in due time – thank you for your patience!
  • Remember – if you want to add a discussion topic to the live meeting agenda:
    • Start a thread in the Community Forums, so that everyone in the community can see what will be discussed and voice their opinion here before Monday (this will make it easier to have an efficient meeting)
    • Please do so as soon as you can before the meeting, so that people have time to read, think, and reply (and also add it to the agenda)


  • Huge thanks to Andrew (otherwise known as feer56), who’s been a solid rock for SUMO for quite a while now. This time, it’s about his review of the SUMO bugs in Bugzilla. This spring cleaning in winter is definitely making things much easier for us all – thank you!
  • Kudos to duggabe for his contributions to the Thunderbird KB and refreshing “newbie” enthusiasm :-)

Forum update

KB update

L10n update

Firefox (+ OS, + for Android) update

And that’s it for this week! Follow our Twitter account for updates from the Mozilla work week in Portland next week. Who knows, we may even take a team picture! As mentioned before, the Portland gathering means we’ll be a bit quieter on the forums, and IRC, but our great community (yes, this means YOU!) is always there, so don’t hesitate, come over and say “hi”.

PS. Is everyone as unexcited by this as I am? Yes, I prefer that by far ;-)

3 comments on “What’s up with SUMO – 28 November”

  1. AliceWyman wrote on

    Where’s the video? I see http://www.youtube.com/embed/aqNUDHYRS-c?feature=oembed in the page source but all I see above is a blank area.

    I also checked https://etherpad.mozilla.org/sumo-2014-11-24 but “Video of this meeting: ” had no link. Other etherpads use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= so, if I add aqNUDHYRS-c I get a working link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aqNUDHYRS-c … which I added to the etherpad.

  2. alex_mayorga wrote on

    What are the requirements to make the hero list?

    I’ve been doing stints on both the forums and “Army of awesome” and would like the requirements to be a true hero =)

  3. Michał wrote on

    @Alice: Thank you for that, I think we had a little glitch with YT for a while there. Should be fixed now and the red room is visible in all its glory!

    @Alex: the “hero list” is simply new people who have joined SUMO since the last post… You’re already one of our heroes, so keep up the good fight! :-) The only requirement is – be awesome to one another! ;-)