Comments from the first round on ‘The Eye’ route confirmed a suspicion that the typography might suggest something we didn’t intend, so first we looked at ways to make this creature more approachable.
The, we took a step back and looked again for ways to hint at a ‘zilla (whilst not being too specific), and create the basis of a wide-ranging design scheme. After weeks of experiments and simplification, Dino 2.0 emerged.
Essentially this Dino is just a red chevron and some white type – but somehow that one raised eye can watch and blink in a very unique way. And those jaws can merrily chomp when needs be.
We see this Dino as someone who can straddle two narratives – one that can stand up, be counted, shout, bark and bite when needed – yet act as a figurehead for Mozilla’s maker community across the globe. We’re developing a kind of ‘agit’ toolkit for this route, with crude hand-drawn industrial typefaces, and a suitably red, white and black colour scheme.
We’ve discovered Dino 2.0 successfully change its spots for communities and countries too.
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