[myeongjun] Changed the performance sheriffing workflow for filling bugs to use the Bugzilla API.
[myeongjun] Fixed the mozperftest regression template.
[mayankleoboy1] Performed some testing for PerfCompare, and filed bugs for issues.
[mayankleoboy1] Found, and filed bugs for issues related to data not being displayed or tests not producing alerts for significant changes.
[jmaher] Migrated all windows 10 performance tests to windows 11.
[florian] Browsertime tests in CI now produce test markers in the resource usage profiles.
[afinder] The Raptor harness code now has code coverage available locally.
[andrej] Android Startup performance tests are now running on autoland.
[kshampur] Performance Tests can now be run on Safari Technology Preview.
[kshampur] MozPerftest, and Raptor now use the same Browsertime version, making updating the version simpler.
[kshampur] AWFY dashboard updated with Windows 11, MacOSX M2, and Safari Technology Preview Browser.
[sparky] New test layer available in MozPerftest to run performance tests from shell scripts.
[sparky] Documentation is now enforced for metrics that alert in Raptor (based on `alert_on`). (Example)
[sparky] New option –tests is now available in mach try perf to specify tasks to run using test name.
Myeongjun Go [:myeongjun]
Mayank Bansal [:mayankleoboy1]
If you have any questions, or are looking to add performance testing for your code component, you can find us in #perftest on Element, or #perf-help on Slack.
P.S. If you’re interested in including updates from your teams in a quarterly newsletter like this, and you are not currently covered by another newsletter, please reach out to me (:sparky). I’m interested in making a more general newsletter for these.
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