Welcome to the latest edition of the Performance Testing Newsletter! The PerfTools team empowers engineers with tools to continuously improve the performance of Mozilla products.
Last quarter was MozWeek, and we had a great time meeting a number of you in our PerfTest Regression Workshop – thank you all for joining us, and making it a huge success! If you didn’t get a chance to make it, you can find the slides here, and most of the information from the workshop (including some additional bits) can be found in this documentation page. We will be running this workshop again next MozWeek, along with a more advanced version.
See below for highlights from the changes made in the last quarter.
- [mayankleoboy1] This quarter, Mayank became our first official Community Performance Sheriff!
- [mayankleoboy1] Filed some issues related to missing alerts.
- [myeongjun] AWSY now uses tp6 by default to match CI tests where only tp6 is tested.
- [julienw] PerfCompare now being shown by default in Mach Try Perf!
- [beatrice] Compare View now provides a helpful link to redirect to PerfCompare.
- [aglavic] Added new mobile app link startup tests in CI.
- [aglavic] Replaced Android Samsung S21 device with Samsung S24 devices.
- [kshampur] New mobile foreground resource usage tests are now available in CI.
- [kshampur] Android Samsung A51 devices have been replaced with Samsung A55 devices in CI (includes a larger device pool).
- [kshampur] AWFY has been updated with Windows 11, MacOSX M2, Safari Tech Preview, and much more!
- [sparky] New mobile background resource usage tests are now available in CI.
- [sparky] New option –tests is now available in mach try perf to specify tasks to run using test name.
- [sparky] Documentation for basics of performance testing now available (see here).
- [sparky] New tool available to run all alerting tests locally. Run with `mach perftest <ALERT-NUMBER>`.
Blog Posts ✍️
- Myeongjun Go [:myeongjun]
- Mayank Bansal [:mayankleoboy1]
If you have any questions, or are looking to add performance testing for your code component, you can find us in #perftest on Element, or #perf-help on Slack.
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