Please note some of the information provided in this report may be subject to change as we are sometimes sharing information about projects that are still in early stages and are not final yet.
New localizers
- Ian has just joined us to help localize Firefox for Android in Swahili! Welcome Ian!
- The Italian team has a couple of new translators in training: sav22999 (Saverio) and gens (Gennaro). In the past few weeks they have been translating strings across several Mozilla projects, from software to and other web properties. Welcome to the group!
Are you a locale leader and want us to include new members in our upcoming reports? Contact us!
New community/locales added
- The Swahili l10n team is kicking things off again after a moment of hiatus. We’re happy you are back!
- The Occitan team is also back after a moment of pause. They’ve successfully translated Firefox for Android and are almost done with Firefox! Congrats!
- Sardinian (sc) is starting to localize Firefox in Pontoon.
New content and projects
What’s new or coming up in Firefox desktop
Today was the deadline to ship localization updates in Firefox Quantum (57). All translations added from now on in Pontoon will be shipping in Firefox 58.
Last week we made Form Autofill available for localization as part of the Firefox project on Pontoon. Currently it consists of 66 strings, and testing instructions are available in this document.
Talking about testing Firefox Desktop, take a look at the new QA view in Transvision to check keyboard shortcuts.
What’s new or coming up in Test Pilot
A lot of obsolete strings (65) have been finally removed from the Test Pilot website. This should make it easier for new locales that want to pick up this project for localization.
What’s new or coming up in mobile
As for desktop, today was the last day to get in your strings to ship localization updates in v57. All translations added from now on in Pontoon will be shipping in Firefox Android 58.
Firefox iOS v10 l10n deadline is today as well, both for localizing and testing your work. Friendly reminder that St3fan is from now on generating daily screenshots, which means once you’ve translated in Pontoon, you can check your work on the screenshots the next day! Come check them out here:
This is a truly useful feature that you should take advantage of, especially if you don’t have an iOS device to check your work on. A big thanks to St3fan for automating these daily and improving the general experience of testing!
Sneak peak: many cool new features are coming up with this v10! Amongst other things, the Firefox team has been focusing on Photon, New Tab and iOS 11 compatibility with iPhone X, Face ID, and drag and drop support for iPad.
If you want to try out the v10 Beta, it has been available since Friday Oct 27. Sign-up here:
Don’t be shy: file bugs, suggest features, and help make Firefox iOS overall one of the best mobile browsers out there!
Focus Android and iOS are currently in the testing phase for Granite version (l10n deadline for testing and screens is next Tues, Nov 7th). The screenshots are updated for both, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns:
And as usual, don’t be shy and file any bugs if you find issues, or request feature improvements if you have any! If you want to be added to the test builds, you can reach out to Delphine. Also, Focus for Android is available as a beta on the Play Store here.
What’s new or coming up in web projects
There are quite a few updates and new pages added to on a weekly basis for more than a month. This surge of change and new content should subside as we are closer to launch date. Thanks to you all for your timely responses and questions.
The new Firefox landing page comes in two versions. The longer version, which is in the form of CEO’s letter, will be available in 12 locales. For those who are impacted by the late decision and timing of the finalized content, thanks to your dedication to address these localization requests at this late stage before a major launch.
For Mobile, we have locale specific requests for id (Firefox Rocket) and zh-TW. A new type of project called Mobile Contextual Hints create challenges for the select locales, as localizers must find creative ways to fit localized content in a tight space.
For the monthly email request from marketing team, we are making progress in convincing the team to move the project to Pontoon and communication through bugzilla, instead of individual emails.
What’s new or coming up in Foundation projects
The IoT survey results have been published! It will be promoted via various channel in the next days, but you can be amongst the first people to read it here. It’s great to see the diversity of respondents being represented in the report. And if you speak Spanish, in addition to our localized blog post, Univision published an article as well.
Also keep in mind that we’ve started ramping up our traditional fundraising campaign, now is a good time to complete the website translations and make sure everything looks good on the website. You might see a few edits to the website as we might try new experiments or land small improvements, or a few snippets to translate, but it shouldn’t be a lot of content. The main content that has yet to come is the fundraising emails (about 4 of them), they should all be ready mid-November and will target French, German, Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese in December. Stay tuned!
In terms of timing, the campaign will be quiet for the second half of November, to leave all the space to Quantum, then will ramp up again from the end of November and until December 31st.
- Berlin Community meet-up: l10n has been invited to a cross-functional meeting from Nov 18-19, at the Mozilla Berlin office. The purpose of this meeting is to kick-off a conversation about volunteer leadership structures at Mozilla from the teams who are most connected to what we call “Non-Coding Enthusiasts”
- Our last l10n hackathon this year is happening in Kolkata and on that same weekend:
- Want to showcase an event coming up that your community is participating in? Reach out to any l10n-driver and we’ll include that (see links to emails at the bottom of this report)
We are still looking for an l10n intern next summer (“Community Localization Analyst”). You can apply here:
Friends of the Lion

Image by Elio Qoshi
- Kudos to Sara and Sandro for doing a great job in organizing the work of new volunteers in the Italian community.
- A huge thanks to Reza who has taken on the task of producing Focus for Android screenshots on a regular basis, so that the entire l10n community can check their work. It’s a hard and time-consuming task – so from the L10n and mobile teams: thank you Reza!
Know someone in your l10n community who’s been doing a great job and should appear here? Contact on of the l10n-drivers and we’ll make sure they get a shout-out (see list at the bottom)!
Sad News
It is with great sadness that we are announcing that our Fulah localizer and friend Mamadou Niang has passed away last week. He will be missed and we’ll have more to share about this tragic matter in a subsequent blog post.
Useful Links
- Dev.l10n mailing list and Dev.l10n.web mailing list – where project updates happen. If you are a localizer, then you should be following this
- Facebook group: it’s new! Come check it out!
- Telegram (contact one of the l10n-drivers below so we will add you)
- L10n blog
- #l10n irc channel: this wiki page will help you get set up with IRC. For L10n, we use the #l10n channel for all general discussion. You can also find a list of IRC channels in other languages here.
Questions? Want to get involved?
- If you want to get involved, or have any question about l10n, reach out to:
- Delphine – l10n Project Manager for mobile
- Peiying – l10n Project Manager for, marketing, and legal
- Francesco Lodolo (flod) – l10n Project Manager for desktop
- Théo Chevalier – l10n Project Manager for Mozilla Foundation
- Axel (Pike) – l10n Tech Team Lead
- Staś – l20n/FTL tamer
- Zibi (gandalf) – L10n/Intl Platform Software Engineer
- Matjaž – Pontoon dev
- Jeff Beatty (gueroJeff) – l10n-drivers manager
Did you enjoy reading this report? Let us know how we can improve by reaching out to any one of the l10n-drivers listed above.
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