From 2014-2017, the l10n-drivers assumed responsibility for organizing localization sprints, hackathons, and workshops. We went from hyper-local meetups to large-scale meetups (in Berlin’s workshop last year we had 50+ localizers present). Feedback from the community over the years has taught us that the format of these workshops had grown stale and localizers desired to have more opportunities to self-organize their own meetups.
With that in mind, we’ve decided to remove ourselves (as much as possible) from organizing these meetups this year while preserving the annual budget for these workshops. We have worked with the Mozilla Reps to define a unique process for core localizers and Resource Reps to organize their own community meetups. The l10n budget (not Reps budget) will fund these meetups and l10n-drivers will review each request on a weekly basis (Tuesdays). With help from the Mozilla Reps we will make needed financial transactions and ensure accountability for money spent. The full process for this is documented in WikiMo here. Included in this process are guidelines for how to best formulate your request, the workflow, and the criteria for attending these events.
We also intend to organize some small, focused l10n meetups. These meetups will be organized around accomplishing a specific task with a small group of localizers. For example, the first we’re planning is a Firefox Rocket l10n sprint in Indonesia to expand the number of Indonesian languages we ship it in to reach users in rural areas as well as urban centers. These meetups will be on an as-needed basis, meaning that we won’t be able to anticipate how many, when, or where these meetups will take place throughout the year. We will, however, make sure the wider community is aware of them as early as possible.
This is very new for us. We’ve done our best to anticipate the various questions or challenges that will arise by organizing events in this way, but I admit that there are likely pieces we’ve overlooked or are unaware of. Please give us feedback throughout the year so that we can improve the process for all involved. We’re looking forward to helping you organize meetups throughout the remainder of the year.
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