Categories: Planet Pontoon Tools

2025 Pontoon survey results

The results from the 2025 Pontoon survey are in and the 3 top-voted features we commit to implement are:

  1. Add ability to preview Fluent strings in the editor (258 votes).
  2. Keep unsaved translations when navigating to other strings (252 votes).
  3. Hint at any available variants when referencing message (229 votes).

The remaining features ranked as follows:

  1. Add virtual keyboard with special characters to the editor (226 votes).
  2. Link project names in Concordance search results to corresponding strings (223 votes).
  3. Add a batch action to pretranslate a selection of strings (218 votes).
  4. Add ability to edit and remove comments (216 votes).
  5. Enable use of generic machine translation engines with pretranslation (209 votes).
  6. Add ability to report comments and suggestions for abusive content (193 votes).
  7. Add “Copy translation from another locale as suggestion” batch action (186 votes).

We thank everyone who dedicated their time to share valuable responses and suggest potential features for us to consider implementing!

Each user could give each feature 1 to 5 votes. A total of 154 Pontoon users participated in the survey, 68 of which voted on all features. The number of participants is lower than in the past years, since we only reached out to users who explicitly opted-in to email updates.

We look forward to implementing these new features and working towards a more seamless and efficient translation experience with Pontoon. Stay tuned for updates!

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