Categories: L10n Reports Planet

L10n Report: March Edition

Please note some of the information provided in this report may be subject to change as we are sometimes sharing information about projects that are still in early stages and are not final yet. 


New localizers

Are you a locale leader and want us to include new members in our upcoming reports? Contact us!

L10n Community in Matrix

As you might have read in the past weeks, Mozilla turned off IRC and officially switched to a new system for synchronous communications (Matrix), available at:

We have a channel dedicated to l10n community conversations. You can also join the room, after creating an account in Matrix, by searching for the “l10n-community” room.

You can find detailed information on how to access Matrix via browser and mobile apps in this wiki page:

Messages written in Matrix are also mirrored (“bridged”) to the “Mozilla L10n Community” Telegram channel.

New content and projects

What’s new or coming up in Firefox desktop

As explained in the last l10n report, Firefox is now following a fixed 4-weeks release cycle:

  • Firefox 75 is currently in beta and will be released on April 7. The deadline to update localization has just passed (March 24).
  • Firefox 76, currently in Nightly, will move to Beta when 75 is officially released. The deadline to update localizations for that version will be April 21 (4 weeks after the current deadline).

In terms of upcoming content to localize, in Firefox 76 there’s a new authentication dialog, prompting users to authenticate with the Operating System when performing operations like setting a master password, or interacting with saved passwords in about:logins. Localizing this content is particularly challenging on macOS, since only part of the dialog’s text comes from Firefox (highlighted in red in the image below).

Make sure to read the instructions on the dev-l10n mailing list for some advice on how to localize this dialog.

What’s new or coming up in web projects

A lot of pages were added in the last month. Many are content heavy. Make sure to prioritize the pages based on deadlines and the priority star rating, as well as against other projects.

New and highest priority:
  • firefox/whatsnew_75.lang (due on 27 March, 3pm UTC)
  • firefox/welcome/page6.lang
  • firefox/welcome/page7.lang
Updates and higher priority:
  • mozorg/404.lang
  • mozorg/500.lang
New and lower priority:
  • firefox/compare.lang
  • firefox/compare/chrome.lang
  • firefox/compare/edge.lang
  • firefox/compare/ie.lang
  • firefox/compare/opera.lang
  • firefox/compare/safari.lang
  • firefox/compare/shared.lang

Firefox Accounts:

New content will be ready for localization on a weekly basis, currently released on Fridays.

Web of Things

After the month of March, the team will cease active development. However, they will push translated content to production from time to time.

What’s new or coming up in Foundation projects

The localization of *Privacy Not Included has started! Privacy Not Included is Mozilla’s attempt, through technical research, to help people shop products that are safe, secure and private. The project has been enabled on Pontoon and a first batch of strings has been made available. You can test your work on the staging website, updated almost daily. For the locales that have access to the project, you can also opt-in to localize the About section. If you’re interested, reach out to Théo. Not all locales can translate the project yet but the team is exploring technical options to make it happen. The next edition of the guide is scheduled for this fall, and more content will be exposed over time.

MozFest is moving to Amsterdam! After 10 years in London, the Mozilla Festival will move to Amsterdam for its next edition in March 2021. The homepage is now localized, including in Dutch, and support for Frisian will be added soon. The team will make more content available for localization during the time leading to the next festival edition.

What’s new or coming up in SuMo

The SUMO team is going to decommission all old SUMO accounts by the 23rd of March 2020.  If you have an account on SUMO, please take action to migrate it to the Firefox Accounts.

In order to migrate to Firefox Account, it’s better to always start by logging in to your old account and follow the prompt from there. Please read the FAQ and ask on this thread if you have any questions.

What’s new or coming up in Pontoon

Introducing comments

We’ve shipped the ability to add comments in Pontoon. One of the top requested features enables reviewers to give feedback on proposed suggestions, as well as facilitates general discussions about a specific string. Read more on the feature and how to use it on the blog.

Huge thanks to our Outreachy intern April Bowler who developed the feature, and many Mozilla L10n community members who have been actively involved in the design process.

Pretranslation and postediting

We’re introducing the ability to pretranslate strings using translation memory and machine translation. Pretranslations are marked on dashboards as needing attention, but they end up in repositories (and products). Note that the feature will go through substantial testing and evaluation before it gets enabled in any of the projects.

Thanks to Vishal for developing the feature and bringing us closer to the postediting world.

Word count

Thanks to Oleksandra, Pontoon finally got the ability to measure project size in words in addition to strings. The numbers are not exposed anywhere in the UI or API yet. If you’re interested in developing such feature, please let us know!


Want to showcase an event coming up that your community is participating in? Reach out to any l10n-driver and we’ll include that (see links to emails at the bottom of this report)

Friends of the Lion

Know someone in your l10n community who’s been doing a great job and should appear here? Contact one of the l10n-drivers and we’ll make sure they get a shout-out (see list at the bottom)!

Useful Links

Questions? Want to get involved?


Did you enjoy reading this report? Let us know how we can improve by reaching out to any one of the l10n-drivers listed above.

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